Time Capsules

Self Portrait

Still Life

Hand Drawing

For my time capsules, I drew a self portrait, a still life of a perfume bottle and my hand. I knew I had a variety of choices to pick for my still life drawing, and I decided to draw a perfume bottle because I will NOT leave my house without putting it on. I used pencil and a tortillon to make all three of these drawings. For my self portrait, I drew lines going vertical and horizontal to help me with placement of my eyes, nose, mouth etc. I tried to add in some blending techniques when it came to the indents on my face when I smiled as well as the shadows under my fingers for my hand drawing. For my hand drawing, my project evolves as I first was going to just have a high five position, nothing too special but I decided to challenge myself in a way and bend my fingers to see if I could execute it in my drawing well and I feel like I did. My next steps could've been shading for all my three drawings to add more detail and that would make each piece more in depth. Overall, I'm still pretty happy with how each drawing came out though.