Sustained Investigation 2

Gloomy Skyline

This is my Sustained Investigation #2 of a road, and skyline that is reflected off of a body of water along with some gray clouds. I think this relates to my life because I love the city, and also love painting clouds. For this artwork, I used only acrylic paint to paint everything on my 8x10 canvas. I used lots of blending for the clouds, road and water as well as making sure the colors in the artwork were darker and not bright because I was trying to represent a gloomy mood, and when I think of gloomy, I think of darker colors. This was not my original idea whatsoever. My original plan was to paint a road and create telephone wires with a light shining down on the road, but my friend had pointed out that it looked like the road was floating in the sky, and I soon picked up on her view. I then decided to add a body of water on the left to sort of act like the road was apart of a bridge of some sort, and that created the illusion that the road wasn't floating. Because I added the water, I wanted to add something in the background that I could use to add a reflection to the water, and the first thing I thought of was a skyline because New York was on my mind. I didn't want to make the skyline straight up black though, because I still had the intention to add the telephone wires on the road, so I made a very dark purple. After looking at my painting, I decided to scratch my idea of adding the telephone wires because I didn't want my painting to look too clustered. I've never had such a busy painting before, so I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. My next steps could be to possibly add some detail to the buildings in the background by adding things like windows.