Sustained Investigation 5

The 2020 Election



This is my fifth Sustained Investigation where I decided to focus on the 2020 Election. I made this painting with watercolor and outlined in black pen. During the election, I was looking at my phone most of the time and seeing the results from there because I always had my phone with me and I wanted to keep track of what was going on. On one of the phones, I have the screen of the Nevada results. I remember looking at Nevadas results so much, and they didn't seem to change at all. I knew this as the same case for a lot of other people. It was during the end of the election where if Nevada won, then Joe Biden won, but the results just didn't seem to change at all. On the other screen, I decided to make something related to Sara Gideon. Back in May, I started to volunteer with Sara Gideons campaign, and It was an experience I am very grateful for. I remember seeing that she didn't win, and it was really sad for me. I was being the most active I could right near the election, and I was hoping Sara Gideon would win. I looked at that screen where Susan Collins won Maine and to be honest, I wasn't happy at all. Some stuff in the background includes a few items that were brought into the 2020 Election such as the Black Lives Matter Movement, Gay Rights, and the Coronavirus. I added the American flag just to symbolize our country. I think if I were to extend it more, I would try to add a few more items in the background that were also important topics in the election. The items were actually a last minute addition because I didn't want the background to be a plain color, but I didn't know what to add. I really like the composition on this piece though and overall I'm really happy with how everything turned out and so far this has been my most detailed piece.