Sustained Investigation 2

Love Is Love



This is my second Sustained Investigation inspired by the 2015 case where the supreme court ruled same sex marriage. For my Sustained Investigation, I have decided to focus on political events, and I felt like this was an important moment because it showed a push for equality. I believe that love is between any individuals, and it doesn't matter what gender/sexual orientation they are. For my first sustained investigation, I used watercolor pencils because I didn't have a pallet, and I didn't really enjoy using those pencils. For this project though, I was able to use a watercolor pallet, and I was able to mix different colors and make some saturated components. I had an idea going into this project that I wanted to paint the supreme court with a few additions like having the curtains say "Love is Love" but I didn't know what I was going to add under the table and seats. It was an empty space, and I thought adding the pride colors were appropriate. I accidentally divided the space into 7 parts instead of just 6, so with the extra space I wrote "The Fourteenth Amendment" because this amendment says, "The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex, and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State." I also decided last minute to add the initials of the supreme court justices to the seats just to add more detail and information from the moment in general. If I was going to continue with this project, I think I would try to add more detail to really make it look like the actual court room.