Donate Life

Sunset Donations

This is my 9x12 Donate Life artwork. The setting is a sunset with clouds and an ocean. This relates to my life because I love painting sunsets and clouds. The canvas I used was a piece of wood which I have never used before, but when I'm at home and I paint, I usually paint on cardboard so I have gotten used to painting on hard canvas's. I just wasn't feeling the canvas paper, watercolor paper, and bristle board and I wanted something sturdy which is when Ms. Medsker suggested wood. I decided to give it a try, and I also gave watercolor a try. I like using acrylic paint, but when I was painting the ocean, I couldn't mix the right blue and I was beginning to feel frustrated. That's when I decided to use watercolor because I thought that it would make it look more like water, and the colors would work best. I then moved on to using watercolor pencils and they worked amazing. I used a darker pencil for the outside and on the inside, I used white to act as the reflection of the sunlight. I tried to blend out the colors to make it look as accurate as possible, and I believe it executed pretty well. I used a lot of blending techniques in the artwork overall with an ombre effect for the sunset and for the clouds, I layered orange and white together to give the cloud some texture, and have some undertones of color. Originally, I wasn't going to have water and it was just going to be clouds and a sunset, but I wanted more. I'm always painting sunset and clouds, so I wanted to change it up. That's when I decided to add water which I've never painted before, and I added a sun to partner with the sunset. My next steps could've been focusing more on the wording. I wish they were more spaced out so it didn't look super covered at the top, so it would be evened out overall.