New Vision of an Old Work #2

2020 Presidential Election

15 x 10

Acrylic Paint

This is my second revision of an old work based on my third Sustained Investigation. In my original sustained investigation, I based my work around the two candidates of the 2020 Presidential Election but mostly around the first debate and how it was the "worst presidential debate in history." For that piece, I painted it with watercolor paint and created the two candidates on podiums with an American flag as a background. I have created paintings with watercolor a few times this year but have realized I don't like how it looks. I think watercolor is too sheer and I am not able to get any detail down with it. With acrylic paint, I'm able to be more precise and create more detail which I think looks stronger. Although it takes a lot of time to blend and add layers, It's a process I'm willing to wait for because I'm always happy with the end result. For my revision, I knew I was going to use acrylic paint and I wanted the figures of the candidates to be more evident. I also liked how the American flag looked as the background so I wanted to bring that back in too. I wasn't really sure how exactly I wanted to go with this painting, I just knew I wanted both candidates on opposite sides on the painting in front of the flag. I thought about adding some quotes that they have said in the past, but after I finished painting I realized I liked the way it looked now and didn't want to add anything. I like how I chose to go on a different route and not have the figures in the middle of the paper but on the sides and not having them upright. It's a change from my past works but it still looks nice and clean.