Photoshop Portrait

Trippy Sara

12 x 8 in


This is my Photoshop Self Portrait that I made using the application "Acorn" on my laptop. I first started with outline the features on my face with black, and it was kind of tricky because I've never made art on my laptop before, especially when it came to drawing on my laptop. I wanted to get the lines perfect and clean instead of super squiggly, so I kept redoing certain lines over and over again until I was happy with how it turned out. I soon adapted and was able to get the hang of things after. When I first took a selfie on my laptop, I had my LED lights on, so everything kind of had a purple undertone to it. When I was adding color, I used the eyedropper so I could use the exact colors from the original photo, and everything kind of started to look purple, especially my hair and the white part of my eyes. If I were to add onto this piece, I think I'd try to get more of the highlights and shadows in my art because I wasn't really paying attention to those when making this, but after I saw my friends and classmates work, I saw they had many of their shadows and highlights. With the background, It was one of the sides of my walls where I had a lot of stuff hanging up, so I decided to try and add some really fun and bright colors and make that my background which kind of gave it a "trippy" look, hense the title, Trippy Sara.