Mac OS Low Battery Usage

OS X Settings

Mac OS Low Battery Usage


Here are some ideas that may help having a lower energy consumption with Mac OS (OS X, macOS) when you want to save the energy of your MacBook's battery. See also: Mac OS Settings, Operating Systems, Software.

System Preferences

Security & Privacy


      Location Services

         System Services

            [ ] Location-Based Suggestions

            [ ] Setting Time Zone


         [ ] Share Mac Analytics

         [ ] Share with App Developers

         [ ] Share iCloud Analytics



      Macintosh HD

Energy Saver

   [x] Automatic graphics switching

   [x] Put hard disks to sleep when possible

   [ ] Wake for network access



      [ ] Correct spelling automatically

App Store

   [ ] Automatically check for updates


   [Turn Wi-Fi Off]   (of course, only turn off when not needed)


   [Turn Bluetooth Off]


   Share Menu

      [ ] Notes

      [ ] Reminders

      [ ] Add to Reading List

      [ ] Twitter

      [ ] Facebook

      [ ] LinkedIn

      [ ] Add to Aperture

      [ ] Add to Photos

      [ ] Flickr

      [ ] Vimeo

      [ ] Sina Weibo

      [ ] Tencent Weibo

      [ ] Youku

      [ ] Tudou


      [ ] Calendar

      [ ] Weather

      [ ] Social

      [ ] iTunes

      [ ] World Clock

      [ ] Find My Friends

      [ ] Calculator

      [ ] Stocks


   All off

Users & Groups

   Login Items

      [ ] iTunesHelper

      [ ] AdobeResourceSynchronizer


   [ ] Enable Siri

Date & Time

   Time Zone

      [ ] Set time zone automatically using current location



      [ ] Enable VoiceOver


      [ ] Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom


      [x] Use grayscale


      [ ] Enable announcements


      [ ] Enable Sticky Keys

      [ ] Enable Slow Keys

Screen Brightness

Use the lowest possible setting where you still can see considering the environment you are at.

If it is difficult to see, try increasing the zoom factor or font size of the app you are using.

Terminal with apps

w3m for web browsing (instead of Google Chrome)

emacs for editing text files (instead of using LibreOffice for word processing)

Terminal settings


   Basic 2 (new profile)



            SF Mono, 16

            Character Spacing: 1

            Line Spacing: 1


         Window Size

            Columns: 165   (depends on the display size)

            Rows: 49   (depends on the display size)


         Text encoding: [Unicode (UTF-8)]

Full Screen

When an app is in full screen mode the operating system can determine to discontinue some background tasks.

You can put two or more apps to full screen view and then use three fingers to swipe left/right on your trackpad to switch between those full-screen apps.

See "System Preferences", "Trackpad", "More Gestures", "Swipe between full-screen apps".




(When comparing web browsers, remember to start them approximately at the same time after starting your computer, use them for the same period of time and use them on the same web pages for more reliable "Avg Energy Impact" on "Activity Monitor".)

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Last modified: August 27th, 2018

Author: Tomi Häsä (