News Quotes About Google


News Quotes About Google


The above pages contain some news quotes about Google for years 2003—2011. Some news articles disappear fast and websites tend to die, so when I want to check a fact from a newsarticle it may have have disappeared and that's why I have collected some quotes from newsarticles but in some cases also from blogs and Google's help pages to add information that isn't mentioned in the news, but can be critical in understanding what a Google service is about and/or what features it had in the past (in case it has been cancelled). Most of these news have been posted to the old official general Google forum (no longer accessible) and later to the unofficial Usenet newsgroup Since year 2009 I haven't been posting much news here anymore. I've been using Delicious bookmarking service to save news about Google and other stuff.

Last modified: June 20th, 2012

Author: Tomi Häsä (


List of changes.