Dovado 4GR Settings


Dovado 4GR Settings


Here are my Dovado 4GR settings.

Dovado 4GR - Gigabit Wireless-N USB Router


Router (no RJ11) for mobile USB modem (Finnish name: mokkulareititin). IPv4.

Change settings

Go to:



   Modem Status

      Connection Status: Connected

      Signal Strength: 77 % (3G)

      DHCP Lease Time: 

      IMEI Number: 

      SIM IMSI: 

      Modem internal model: E1820   (connected modem)

      Modem firmware: 

   Modem Settings

      IP Address: 

      IP Netmask:

      IP Gateway: 

      IP DNS Server: 

      Host Name: 4GR   (Dovado router)

      Domain name: 

      Network Preference

         (*) Automatic (3G preferred)

         ( ) 3G (UMTS/HSPA) Only

         ( ) 2G (GPRS/EDGE) Only

      Select APN

         Current location: (Select country, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, USA)

      PIN Code

         Enter PIN Code: 

      Modem On/Off Switch

         [x] Activate Modem On/Off Switch





         Authentication method: (*) (Both/CHAP/PAP/None)


         Idle Timeout: [0] minutes

         Echo Timeout: [60] seconds

         Echo Count: 3

         Service Name: 

         AC Name: 

      Call string

         ( ) Default (3G: *99#, CDMA: #777)

         (*) Manual: *99***1#   (Saunalahti)


   Internet Connection

      What do you want to use as your primary Internet connection?

         (*) USB modem

         ( ) Ethernet cable in WAN port

   WAN Port Settings

      WAN IP Configuration

         How should the WAN port get its IP settings?

            (*) Automatic/Dynamic (DHCP)

            ( ) Manual (Static)

      Current setup

         IP Address: 

         Subnet Mask: 

         Default Gateway: 

         DNS 1:

         DNS 2:

         Host Name: 4GR   (Dovado router)

         Domain Name: localhost

      Custom WAN MAC Address

         Custom MAC Address: 

   Connection Tracker

      [ ] Connection tracker active


      Traffic Usage in megabytes

         (This Month)

            Downloaded Feb 2012: 505 MB

            Uploaded Feb 2012: 61 MB

            Total Feb 2012: 566 MB

         (Last Month)

            Downloaded last month: 1 876 MB

            Uploaded last month: 252 MB

            Total last month: 2 128 MB

      Traffic Usage Update by SMS/E-Mail

         Notify me every [] MB [Up + Downloaded] by [SMS]

      Kilobyte base

         Use [1000] Bytes per kilobyte

      Counter reset day

         Reset counter at day [01] of each month


   LAN Settings

      IP Address:   (Dovado router)

      Subnet Mask:


      DHCP Server

         (*) Enabled

         Client IP Address Range: 192.168.0.[2]-[254]

         Lease time: [12] [hours]

      Client Network Information

         Domain Name: mydomain.local

         DNS Server 1:

         DNS Server 2: 

      Add Static IP Address Assignement


            Identify Using: MAC Address

            Host Identifier: 

            Internal Address: 192.168.0.[]


   Port Forwarding

      Reserved Ports

         The following ports may not be forwarded to the LAN due to VPN forwarding and remote management: 500,4500

      Port/Protocol Forwarding to LAN


            Ports / Protocol / Destination Address / Destination Port

            () / (TCP, UDP, TCP/UDP, GRE, Both) / 192.168.0.[] / []


      [ ] Enable UPnP


      Hosts list

         Add entry

            IP / Host Name

            [] / []

      Show Hosts on LAN


   WLAN Properties

      Region/Country: (Europe, North America / Canada, Japan, Other)

      Wireless Band: [802.11 b+g+n]

      Channel: (1-13)

      Data Rate: (Auto, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 11 Mbps, 54 Mbps)

      SSID: (SSID)

         [ ] SSID Broadcast

      Fragment Length: 2346 bytes   (256-2346 bytes)

         [ ] Enable RTS

      Wireless LAN: (*) Enable


      Encryption: (*) Enable

      Authentication Type: (WEP Shared Key, WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA/WPA2-Enterprise)

      Pass Phrase: 

   MAC Address Control

      [ ] Use MAC Address Control


   (for SMS control)


   (for your location information)

Home Automation

   (control power switches)


   Remote Management

      [ ] Enable LAN management - Enable API or GPS handling via LAN

      [ ] Enable WLAN management - Enable external access to Web, GPS or API

   Network Settings

      Network Settings

         Load Preset: [Select preset]

         MTU: [1458]

         MRU: [1458]

         Tx Queue Length: []

         MSS Clamping: (*) Disable

         Upload packet size: [2048]

         Download packet size: [2048]

         [x] Let 4GR select safe settings

      ICMP Settings

         [ ] Drop Ping requests

      NAT Settings

         [ ] Disable NAT


      Activate Dynamic DNS Service

         [ ] Dynamic DNS active

            Service provider: []



            My domain: 

      Custom DNS server Settings

         [ ] Custom DNS active

            Custom DNS1: 

            Custom DNS2: 


      Timezone configuration

         Timezone: GMT +3:00

         [ ] Daylight savings

      Custom NTP server Settings

         [ ] Custom NTP active

            Custom NTP1: 

            Custom NTP2: 


      (send email for certain Internet traffic data threshold)

Last modified: October 1st, 2014

Author: Tomi Häsä (