Formatting Test


I was looking for a file system that can be used to transfer data between Windows 7, Windows XP SP3, Mac OS X 10 and Linux (Fedora 13 and Ubuntu 10). In January 2011 FAT32 was still be the best option for me, because Linux didn't understand ExFAT, at least yet. FAT32 formatting with Mac OS X 10 worked better than formatting with Fedora 13 (using default options).

FAT32 (by Fedora 13)

- working: Windows 7, Windows XP SP3, Fedora 13, Ubuntu 10

- not working: Mac OS X 10.6.6

- January 25, 2011

FAT32 (by Mac OS X 10.6.6)

- working: Windows 7, Windows XP SP3, Mac OS X 10.6.6, Fedora 13, Ubuntu 10

- not working: --

- January 25, 2011

ExFAT (by Mac OS X 10.6.6)

- working: Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6.6

- not working: Windows XP SP3, Fedora 13, Ubuntu 10

- January 25, 2011

ExFAT (by Windows XP SP3)

- problem: I couldn't format using ExFAT with Windows XP SP3

- January 25, 2011

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