Installation Order


Installation Order


Here is my approximate installation order first for certain computers and then in general. You see some reasonings for the order in the notes below. This is not a strict list but may help with installing some of the programs. See also: **Operating System Installation Settings**, Driver Installation Settings, BIOS Settings, Operating Systems, Programs, Software.

Raspberry Pi

Debian 7: Update Packages

sudo apt-get update // check for package updates before installing new packages

apt-get upgrade // upgrade all packages after installing Debian the first time, and maybe later also

Debian 7: Install Packages

sudo apt-get update // check for package updates before installing new packages

sudo apt-cache search libreoffice // office suite

sudo apt-get install libreoffice

sudo apt-cache search pysol // solitaire card game

sudo apt-get install pysol

sudo apt-cache search icedove // email client, a bit like Mozilla Thunderbird (seems to be too heavy for RP)

sudo apt-get install icedove

sudo apt-cache search pidgin // instant messenger

sudo apt-get install pidgin

sudo apt-cache search finch // instant messenger for terminal, install Pidgin first

sudo apt-get install finch

Wings Desktop PC

Note: do not insert Blackmagic Design Intensity Pro or D-Link DGE-528T to motherboard before installing Windows 7 and Blackmagic/D-Link drivers for Windows 7.

Installation Order

1) Windows 7 [two partitions, remove Blackmagic/D-Link].

2) Fedora (16, 17, ...).

3) Drivers.

OS X: Programs (in general)

Turn on firewall

Turn on firewall after installing OS X.

System Settings

Change System Settings.


Comment: with OS X the order of installation of programs doesn't seem to matter much.

Adobe Flash.

Adobe Reader.



Google Chrome.

Windows and Linux Computer (in general)

With Mandriva Linux One 2010 (GNOME 2) and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (GNOME 2)

- easy installation:

- Windows XP: install to the whole HDD

- Mandriva/Ubuntu: resize Windows partition and make room for Linux

With Fedora 13 (GNOME 2)

- with Wings desktop I have problems with partitioning using Linux maybe because of unsupported hardware, so:

- Windows 7: create a partition for Windows and leave free space for Linux

- Fedora: install to free space

Windows XP / Windows 7: Programs (in general)

Turn on modem/router firewall

Turn on modem/router firewall to give some protection.

Turn off User Account Control

In Windows 7 turn off User Account Control from Control Panel: Action Center. It can cause problems when installing drivers and other software.

Install security software

ZoneAlarm (installs Microsot .NET Redistributable) (since approximately September 2013 you need to set ZoneAlarm as starting page and search engine).

Avira AntiVir (since about 2014 Avira has had its own firewall so ZoneAlarm might not be necessary.) (Avira 2012 doesn't seem to like ZoneAlarm, so install Avira 2012 first.)

Wings PC

With Wings PC install Adobe Flash and Google Chrome now to see with which software Google Chrome has compatibility issues.

Install drivers

More info: Driver Installation Settings.

Install Windows updates

Warning: ATI Catalyst Control Center 2010 (Wings PC) uses Microsoft .NET Framework 2, so updating to a newer Microsoft .NET Framework might cause problems.

Windows Update: Microsoft updates (doesn't seem to work after Windows 7 Service Pack 1, 12/2014).

Do not use "Install updates automatically", because some Windows updates stop my PC from working. I need to check each update individually before installing them.

Always check the update settings after each update session.

Choose the setting "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them", because the setting "Never check for updates" doesn't seem to stick.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1.

More info: Windows Updates.

Graphics programs

Install graphics programs, so you can save and upload screenshots to figure out possible update/installation problems.

IrfanView + Plugins.

Windows Live Photo Gallery.

Less used media players

Start least used media players first, so you can effortlessly setup default players for rare/usual file types.

Windows Media Player.

InterVideo WinDVD (HP Laptop and FS Laptop).

CyberLink PowerDVD (Wings PC: LG Super Multi Blue).

Most used media players

Install most used media players last, so you can effortlessly setup default players for usual/rare file types.

When you first install media players, they won't install add-ons to browsers, except Internet Explorer, which comes with Windows.

VLC Media Player.

iTunes (don't install unnecessary programs in Windows).

Winamp (don't install unnecessary programs in Windows).

Picasa (don't install unnecessary programs in Windows).


Google Chrome (install browsers before Java, Flash and Shockwave so you get possible browser plug-ins installed easily).

Mozilla Firefox.


Opera (install only if needed).

Browser add-ons, etc.

Flash Player (used by websites such as YouTube, Google Chrome has it's own version), see: Change settings.

Shockwave Player.

Microsoft Silverlight.

Office software

Adobe Reader (for reading application manuals, etc.).

LibreOffice (until 2011

Java (browser add-on, development platform, IDE)

Java browser add-on (aka "Java").

For browsers.

Java SE (aka "Java JDK").

Install SE before EE.

Set the PATH environment variable. System Properties, Advanced, System variables, PATH = [other directories here];C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin.

Set JAVA_HOME. System Properties, Advanced, System variables, New, JAVA_HOME, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25.

Java EE + Glassfish.

Basically, Java EE contains server stuff.

NetBeans IDE for Java EE (and for Java SE).

Installation directory for GlassFish: C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1

Installation directory for GlassFish application server: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

Installation directory for Apache Tomcat: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 8.0.15

Other IDEs: Eclipse IDE, JCreator (XINOX Software).

Messaging, email, chat and IRC

Windows Ident Server (by rndware) (IRC functions work better in Windows).

Pidgin (AIM, ICQ, Google Talk, Yahoo!).

Mozilla Thunderbird.

Windows Live Mail / Windows Live Essentials (Windows 7).

Google Talk (not needed since about 2014).

Skype (since 2011 owned by Microsoft).



Other frequently used programs

Games for Windows Live (install only if needed).

Zune (so I can update my Windows Phone, on the other hand there is a program for OS X also).

DivX Plus Player (maybe more helpful with OS X).

Last modified: November 19th, 2015

Author: Tomi Häsä (