The Strictures of Darkness

The Prophecy is the birthright given unto Necrucifer’s Chosen and binds the darkness together in sacrosanct purpose. It is our promised future and those who work towards Finality will take their place of glory beside the Master of Darkness and His pantheon. It is unwavering faith in our purpose and the burden of sacrifice which may elevate even the lowest to become one of the Chosen.

We are charged with shaping the future of Algoron in fidelity to the principles of Darkness. We do this with the moral authority attained not from our words, but from our actions. In service to the Dark Gods, we are bound to struggle towards perfection, but it is in the nature of mortalkind to betray, to steal, and to murder for the benefit of self-gain, even at the cost of our ultimate goal.

Those who would name themselves true servants of Darkness pay heed and obey,

be guided by these strictures so that each action made is mindful of our

ultimate purpose.  

I. Restrict the impatient mind from following amusements which bear no fruit. The eyes never grow weary of seeing, nor the ears of hearing, and neither are quick to spot distraction from one’s goals. Ambition drives a man forward, but victory is built in the present. Cultivate patience, for the prophecy is laid one stone at a time.

II. Subjugate the errant mind before it becomes fractious and divided. Two contrary thoughts cannot long abide in a man's mind, or he will become weak-willed and subject to any heresy. Focus your efforts and see all tasks through to completion.

III. Control wanton desires. There is no quicker means by which a life can be upheaved and a promising future ruined than by the depredations of uncontrolled desire. Only sorrow is born and only misery is multiplied from these pursuits. A true servant has no needs of their own, only those of God.

IV. Restrain speculation and gossip about those who serve God unless it is with an eye towards mutual benefit. To waste time wondering what others say, think, or scheme means a loss of opportunity for oneself. Step forward and serve those vested with Power.

V. Suppress judgment on how others build the world of the prophecy. Not all battles are won in steel and blood. Words are but a spark spat from a man's mouth - It is such a little thing, yet from one spark an entire city may burn to the ground. Spread the Truth to those who are lost and the power of darkness will sweep across every corner of the world.

VI. Submit body, mind, and soul to the Gods of Darkness and serve them and only them. No man loses any life other than that which he now lives, and the present is the only thing he has. Those with Power must accept it is a debt and are bound to wield it. Only through the cohesion of the faithful do we prepare the way for His Return.

Those who would name themselves true servants of Darkness pay heed and obey,

be guided by these strictures so that each action made is mindful of our

ultimate purpose.