What Is Shadow?

We are more than a group of hoodlums who run around fighting and killing. We have a purpose and a code by which we live. We are Knights. 

There are many citizens of Algoron who consider us "bad people." I, however, do not. It is my firm belief that what we do, we do for the betterment of this world. Austinian and Kwainin are both weak and ineffectual gods. With the coming of Necrucifer, everything that they stand for will cease to exist, and the world will be a better place. 

It is not our intent to cause death and destruction. It is not to terrorize innocent men, women, and children. It is not to spread hatred. 

Then what is it? 

Enlightenment. Unification. The end of Anarchy. The end of Chaos. The end of balance. 

We are Knights of Necrucifer, and thus we are held to a higher standard than any other. We act with compassion towards our enemies. We treat them as we would wish to be treated. We fight with honor. We aid those weaker than ourselves. 

Our code states that a Shadow Knight is allowed to lie, cheat, steal, and commit murder, as long as it can be proven to advance the vision. What does this mean? A Shadow Knight will never lie to a superior officer, or anyone of the clan for that matter. These acts will NOT be committed over trivial matters. These exceptions will only be made in matters that will aid in the fulfillment of the prophecy. Short of an event causing the death of Austinian himself, I do not expect a Shadow Knight to lie, cheat, or steal. 

The end of struggle. The end of light. You fight only to prolong the inevitable... Peace. In the meantime, innocent people die for nothing. 

Submit or die. 

Shay Kayen

Ambactus a Caligo
Extinguishing the Sun
Dark Lord of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer