Ishamael Rinji

Atop a nightmarish steed that glistens with unholy energy and maintains a

mane of hellfire, a far darker man stradles.  A suit of midnight armor lined

with gray mithril sheaths him from head to toe, a rigid posture that offers

only one realization; a predator poised to strike.  Across his back is a

sword etched with runes of prophecy and darkness, hilt inscribed with the

words 'Avenging Ascelvin.  ' Vaguely iridescent, gray eyes peer out upon the

world with the visage of a man who has killed thousands and regrets nothing.

Ash-colored hair flails wildly in unchecked patterns in close association

with his billowing cape of the deepest, darkest black.  Steady hands grip

the reins as an overwhelming sense of doom exudes from rider and steed's

very presence among Algoron.  In the right light, there seems to be a nearly

tangible substance that flows in and out of his body, balancing and

restructuring constantly as if it were defying the very basics of nature and

matter.  Without a doubt, his appearance and aesthetics do not lack the

courage and conviction of his skill and power. 

The man known as Ishamael Rinji begins in our history from way back, as a

childhood friend of Shay Kayen.  As boys they would dream of upholding the

ideals of San Godham and as men they would fight side by side, fighting for

the very same principles.  

Former leader of the Malice Clan, and rumored vampire Lord (reportedly

turned by Agtinon), Ishamael saw the potential that lay within Shadow and

was integral to the movement, as an enforcer and force behind Shay's vision.

In the battle of the Purist Wars, he helped lead the enemy to their defeat,

by felling the Yinn Vokkyn dra'Har, Highlord of Eclipse.  

Ishamael, in his own respectable station, lead Storm Keep as Dark Lord,

after Shay.

His statue within the Hall of Sanctuary in Storm Keep depicts

him as thus:


Braced forward, somewhat similar to Shay Kayen, Ishamael Rinji holds his

dagger in triumphant pose.  His body is gilded in armor and a sword hilt

rises over his left shoulder.  Ishamael Rinji struck the killing blow to

Vokkyn dra'Har, the High Lord of Eclipse, and stood stalwartly by Shay and

Malcom's side as the remaining soldiers, ousted from Eclipse in the Purist

War, wandered Algoron.

[compiled by Esquire Elaynah Montero]