The Vessel of God

[ 74] Aeryc: The Vessel of God

Thu Jul 26 05:41:30 2012

To: Shadow


Knights of Storm Keep,

We have all surrendered our bodies to the Will of God.  You have no

ownership over it.  Surrender any notion you have to the contrary. 

You are His in all things. 

Respect the body He allows you use as you would any other instrument of God.

Do not surrender it foolishly to the enemy, and let him strike down a vessel

of the Lord.  The blood which pumps through your veins exists only as a gift

from Him; when you bleed, so too does God. 

Yet the Will of God is not for you to stand idly within the Keep.  We have

undertaken a task enormous in scope and given ourselves to the highest

calling, and inaction will not accomplish the goals of our Order. 

Remember your blood oath always.  Submit or die.  Your enemies have chosen

death; your body is the instrument through which God will pass judgment. 

Discern wisely when is the time for battle, and when is the time to live and

fight another day. 


Darkness bless,

Aeryc Maelwaedd