Liturgy - 11/05/15

[51  Human Skd] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Jermichael McCord, of the Templar

[51  Human Arm] [Quiet] [ Shadow ] Traice Kylen, Keystone of Storm Keep

[51  Human Skn] [ Shadow ] Ilusen LaFortinas.

[51  Human Asn] [ Shadow ] Lowenir Madaur, Warder of the Legion  (Karecus)

[51  Human Pri] [ Shadow ] Cardinal Telthian Schwartz, Chancellor of Storm

[51  Human Skd] [ Shadow ] Dannora Duran, Supplicant of the Templar

[51  Human Skn] [ Shadow ] (WANTED) Crelius Atennim, Warden of the Sanctum

[51  Human Swb] [ Shadow ] Zeffan Scathridire, Petitioner of the Legion

[26  Human Wlk] [ Shadow ] Chulric, Petitioner of the Legion

Players found: 9


Altar of Necrucifer

  South of the main hallway of Storm Keep, a finely crafted arch decorated

with runes and symbols leads into the room in which you find yourself.  Like

the rest of Storm Keep, this room is constructed of black, polished marble.

However, during its construction, the marble was carved and shaped, creating

grooves in its surface.  These grooves were then filled with molten silver

and allowed to dry.  The result is what you see before you now massive runes

and symbols of silver that cover the walls, ceiling, and floor around you.

They shine brightly, lit by three enormous crystal chandeliers that hang

from the domed ceiling high above you.  Three exaggerated steps stretch the

length of the room near its center, leading up to an altar against the

southern wall. 

 [Exits: north  ]

(WANTED) Jermichael is here.

Chulric is here.

Zeffan is here.

(WANTED) Crelius Atennim is here.

Dannora is here.

Lowenir Madaur is here.

Ilusen LaFortinas is here.

Telthian Schwartz is here.

Telthian utters a word, summoning an unholy flame to kindle within his palm. He lowers it, resting the hellfire atop the altar.

Lowenir looks at Telthian.

Crelius says 'Let's proceed.'

Crelius nods at Telthian.

Dannora clasps her hands behind her back, watching quietly.

Telthian says 'We gather once more, Brothers and Sisters. As we serve Him, so must our voices be raised this and every day in prayer and gratitude.'

Traice grasps his wrist behind his back as he watches Telthian quietly.

Telthian draws back his hood, the scant light from the unholy flame casting shadows across his feature.

Telthian says 'The legacy built by His Chosen continues forward, as it must. Necrucifer favors only the exceptional.'

Crelius looks at Zeffan.

Telthian says 'Tonight I offer you His wisdom on two qualities principal to our sacred Order. Knighthood, and Leadership.'

Chulric nods at Telthian.

Jermichael turns and ducks his head, doing his best to muffle a slight cough.

Telthian says 'All within this Keep should strive towards Knighthood. It is a reflection of character, as one must prove before all here and to God that they will live and die as our sacred order mandates.'

Jermichael glances to Crelius with a quick nod of thankfulness.

Telthian says 'He who would strive to serve as one of God's Chosen Knights submits absolutely to the Will of God. He is the vessel through which the Prophecy is spread across this world, and desires nothing but to serve.'

Telthian says 'We were all created for one singular purpose. To serve Him. As such, your body is sacrosanct. To cast yourself needlessly on the spear of our enemy is to profane His Gift.'

Crelius nods at Telthian.

Traice nods along silently with Telthian's words, his eyes glancing over all gathered.

Telthian says 'Discipline. Obedience. Faithful. A Knight is all these things. You must love God and fear his Wrath.'

Telthian rests his hand atop the altar, the hellfire illuminating the crack which once ran across its center.

Telthian says 'These are the qualities which separates a Knight from a Soldier. Find them within yourself, and cultivate them within your comrades.'

Telthian gestures to those knights within the room who bear the burden of rank as he continues to speak, 'we are a military sanctioned by God Himself to bring about a new world order.  We must conduct ourselves as such, and this is reflected in the qualities of our leaders.'

Debbie walks in.

Debbie salutes.

Traice gives a slight nod to Debbie, before turning to focus back on Telthian.

Telthian says 'You who have been given the responsibility of this are set above all others. God asks more of you than any other Knight within this Keep, and expects your devotion to match.'

Crelius crosses his arms, his gaze affixed upon Telthian.

Lowenir nods.

Telthian says 'Patience. Ambition. Inspiration. With one hand you must council and teach, and the other you must put an end to those actions which defy our Code.'

Telthian says 'Those who seek to lead, to truly give themselves over unto Him, carry within them the smallest reflection of Him within their very soul.'

Telthian folds his hands behind his back.

Telthian says 'We cannot sail upon a sea of past deeds. Champions are amongst us. You have but to step forward, and serve Him completely.'

Telthian says 'I call upon each of you to set an example for your brothers and sisters. As mortals, we are weak. It is only through God that we are made Strong.'

Telthian kneels and prays for the blessing of wisdom.

A feeling of divinity overtakes the room.

Crelius nods at Telthian.

You nod at Telthian.

Crelius approaches the altar. Giving a nod towards Telthian as he reaches the step.

Telthian says 'We will end with a prayer from our Warden.'

Telthian inclines his head to Crelius, moving to join the rest of the gathering.

Lowenir bows his head, folding his hands before him

Zeffan bows his head.

Crelius pauses slightly as he reaches the altar, placing an armored hand upon it before turning to the group.

Crelius removes his hood.

Crelius says 'Gatherers. I greet you. '

Traice bows his head, his hand releasing his wrist as he brings it to the twisted sun visage hanging from his neck, gripping it as he closes his eyes.

Crelius says 'The Cardinal has done well in professing the will and painting the reality of what must become of the knights of Shadow in these times.'

Crelius says 'Our numbers have swelled despite diversity. More of the chosen stand now in this room then have in decades. '

Crelius says 'To continue and tack on to what the Cardinal has spoke..... Temperament and the ways of the knight are of most import in these times. '

Crelius says 'You all are here to serve during a time where great men have taken the helm. Those such as the Cardinal, those such as Zorreau. '

Crelius says 'The knights of the Sanctum have returned as well and we are all here to restore this order to it's foundation and its future. '

Crelius says 'Saying such I give unto the group a prayer.... one old but relevant still through the centuries. '

Crelius lowers his head, grasping a crude periapt about his neck.

Jermichael lowers himself to a knee, and dips his head.

Telthian nods in agreement to Crelius. He folds his hands into the sleeves of his robe, bowing his head.

Dannora tilts her chin downward as she closes her eyes.

Crelius says 'Master, we gather before you uncertain and strayed in our ways. We rally upon you through all diversity and we seek to heed your call. '

Crelius says 'We are the outliers. We are those that seek the sands and dark places to find your absolution. '

Crelius says 'It is here that we have gathered. Here in this obelisk amongst the sands that we seek your redemption. '

Crelius says 'We've gathered here now. We supplicate ourselves unto you. '

Crelius lowers his head further.

Crelius says 'The knights are yours to command master of shadow, and we shall hold your vigil eternal.'

Crelius nods at Telthian.

Chulric whispers 'Let it be so.'

Telthian says 'So be it. From now until the Last Day. Ambactus a Caligo.'

Ilusen whispers 'Ambactus a Caligo.'

Crelius says 'Ambactus a Caligo.'

Jermichael raises his head, and pulls himself up on worn legs.

Dannora nods firmly.

Jermichael whispers 'Well said. '

You clan gossip 'Ambactus a Caligo.'

Crelius grins at you.

Crelius eats a pork tenderloin.