Liturgy - 10/20/15

Altar of Necrucifer

  South of the main hallway of Storm Keep, a finely crafted arch decorated

with runes and symbols leads into the room in which you find yourself.  Like

the rest of Storm Keep, this room is constructed of black, polished marble.

However, during its construction, the marble was carved and shaped, creating

grooves in its surface.  These grooves were then filled with molten silver

and allowed to dry.  The result is what you see before you now massive runes

and symbols of silver that cover the walls, ceiling, and floor around you.

They shine brightly, lit by three enormous crystal chandeliers that hang

from the domed ceiling high above you.  Three exaggerated steps stretch the

length of the room near its center, leading up to an altar against the

southern wall. 

 [Exits: north  ]

Dannora is here.

(White Aura) Reni is here.

Direl is here.

(White Aura) (WANTED) Crelius Atennim is here.

Telthian Schwartz is here, casting a grim figure before the altar.


Traice folds his hands behind his back as he stands next to Crelius, his eyes watching over each member as they walk into the room.

Telthian says 'Too long has it been since the Word of God echoed from this place. Each of you will speak within this hall, in time.'

Telthian he utters a word, summoning an unholy flame to kindle within his palm. He lowers it, resting the hellfire atop the altar.

Crelius crosses his arms, the flickering light of the priest's flames alighting the shadows under his hood.

Telthian says 'Within this place, our Master walks. Your Master is here.'

Telthian says 'Do you not feel him in the Dark? On the back of your neck, His breath?'

Telthian says 'His whisper in your ear? The shadow flickering in the corner of your eye?'

Reni 's covered face is turned to Telthian, watching Telthian in rapt fascination.

Telthian says 'He is here. Ever-present within the Darkness. His eyes are always upon your back.'

Telthian looks over the gathering, his visage severe.

Telthian says 'Do you not feel it?'

someone nods his head slightly

Dannora nods her head, smiling lightly.

Telthian clasps his hands before him, his face shadowed by his cowl and the scant light from the unholy flame.

Reni whispers 'She does.'

Telthian says 'I am reminded of a young priest of the Master who once served aboard the Nocturne.'

Direl looks at Telthian.

Telthian says 'When the ship ran aground, the Captain instructed this priest to see to the repairs. The priest complained to their father that the Captain

of the vessel upon which they had been training had run the ship aground, and as the lowly crew member, the priest was expected to see to the repairs.'

Telthian holds out his hand, his palm open, 'The priest did not think it was fair that they should be the one to fix another's mistake.'

Telthian says 'A wise man, the priest's father admonished them for it.'

Telthian says 'What the priest did not understand yet was that part of being a piece of a something greater, to be a servant, means to care more for the

welfare of another than for oneself.'

Telthian clinches his fist, 'Pride is a terrible fall for any who thinks him or herself above the lowliest work. For we are all insects before God.'

Telthian says 'We, His Chosen, are a singular body with a singular purpose. Our devotion and service bind us to Him, and thus to each other.'

Crelius nods sagely.

Telthian says (to Direl) 'If you lose your hand, is it simply that you cannot wield sword or shield?'

Telthian says 'The whole suffers greatly for the loss, and is forever changed by it.'

Telthian says 'Forever weakened.'

Dannora ponders.

Telthian allows his gaze to drift briefly over the crowd and raises his hands in a wide gesture.

Telthian says 'Within this Keep, the failure of one is a failure of all. And so, the triumph of one is a triumph for all.'

Telthian says 'You have all been changed by entering these sacrosanct halls. You may not yet know it, but you will find these words belie a terrible


Telthian says 'But.'

Telthian says 'There is one thing you all must consider - when we transform a life, we make it anew. Whatever happens, we are responsible for it.'

Telthian says 'It is our burden. Every action builds another link that binds us together in a chain everlasting. We are bound to one another, destinies

forever intertwined.'

Telthian says 'And we are all given unto Him.'

Telthian takes a step to the side of the altar and remains silent for a moment, before speaking clearly 'Step forth, soldiers of God, and be anointed.'

Telthian stops using a platinum-hilted saber with a wicked blade.

Telthian wields a sacrificial dragonbone kris.

Reni steps forwards towards Telthian, eyes shining from behind her facial veil.

Telthian peels the leather gloves from his hands with care, tucking them into his belt. He pierces the palm of his hand with the blade, blood flowing

freely from the black, cracked and pitted skin.

Telthian says 'The blood of God flows within us all. We must cherish this, His gift, to us. Never spill it unwisely.'

Dannora takes a step as well, waiting.

Telthian holds  a roughly hewn obsidian phial in his hand.

Telthian clenches his fist and bleeds into the phial. He dips his fingers within it, anointing any who approach with the symbol of Necrucifer.

Telthian says 'We are steeped in blood because of this imperfect world.'

Telthian says 'We have all been brutalized by it, and we have become brutal in turn. There is no going back from the moment you entered His Keep.'

Reni steps back as soon as she is annointed, eyes shining with reverence.

Crelius clasps a tattered periapt about his neck in reverence. Bearing witness to the procession.

Telthian continues as he speaks, drawing the symbol of Necrucifer upon the forehead of any who approach.

Telthian says 'We proceed, and we proceed as one without hesitation and with fealty to Him alone. This we seek demands nothing less.'

Traice gives a slight grimace as he rubs his fingers over the center of his chest plate, his fingers find the dangling twisted sun visage hanging from his

neck, clasping it within his palm as he steps forward to Telthian.

Telthian says 'We prepare a world ready to extingush Light, to extinguish Chaos.'

Telthian says 'It is not for the weak, nor kind. No one in this room is kind. '

Telthian lets his words hang in the air for a moment.

Telthian says 'That is why you are here. Look into each other's eyes and pledge to go beyond the limitations of your body. To go as far as your very soul

will allow.'

Telthian finishes anointing the last of you, he raises the phial above him, offering thanks.

Telthian drinks blood from  a roughly hewn obsidian phial.

Telthian says 'Together - let us pray.'

Reni 's eyes dart from person to person, studying everyone for a moment, her expression hidden behind her facial covering.

someone bows his head.

Dannora quaffs a glittering potion.

Dannora appears to be blinded.

Dannora nods sagely.

Dannora rubs her eyes.

Someone utters the words, 'judicandus noselacri'.

Dannora is no longer blinded.

Dannora whispers 'Thank you.'

Traice steps back to his place next to Crelius, giving a slight nod as he bows his head, gripping the symbol.

Telthian says 'Master of All Darkness, He who is without peer, cruel and triumphant over all - '

Crelius lowers his hooded head.

Telthian says 'Your servants pledge themselves to you, this and every day. We, your Chosen, succeed as one and fail as one.'

Dannora stares blankly in front of herself for a moment and then bows her head and closes her eyes.

Telthian says 'We raise up one another so that all might become perfect servants to your Will. Let fall your shroud upon those gathered and fill us with a

renewed sense of purpose.'

Telthian says 'Remind all that our time and our purpose is not our own, but Yours.'

Telthian says 'In Your name these things we swear, should we fail render upon us horror unimaginable and strike us down.'

Telthian says 'Consume our souls, O Master, and leave nothing but your Will.'

Telthian lowers his eyes to the floor, bowing his head before the altar and all gathered.

Telthian says 'Ambactus a Caligo. Amen.'

Dannora whispers 'Ambactus a Caligo.'

Someone whispers 'Ambactus a Caligo'

Reni murmmurs a soft response.

Crelius dips his head lower.

Telthian sheaths his kris, shadows writhing to coalesce around his hand before withdrawing back to blade within the sheath.

Crelius says 'Amen.'

You say 'Amen.'

Direl whispers 'Amen.'

Telthian slowly rises, drawing back his hood to look over the gathering.

Telthian says 'Tonight, liturgy rings from this room of worship once more. It will continue. Each of you has felt Him, and your words will be worthy.'

Telthian kneels and prays for the blessing of wisdom.

A feeling of divinity overtakes the room.

Crelius raises his head slightly, looking about the gathered through his ashen hood.

Telthian says 'Find it within yourself to serve Him both upon the field of battle and in Faith within this temple.'

Telthian kneels and begins to pray.

Telthian slowly works his gloves back over his hands, grimacing slightly. He folds his hands together.

Telthian says 'You are released to go about your duties. For those who would speak further, I will remain.'

Reni lifts her head, watching intently.