The Black Winds Breakthrough


[156] Samcro: The Black Winds: My research

Wed Jan 11 15:06:59 2012

To: Elaynah Ibiza Rochford imm rp


Having gone back through my texts looking for the name "bond" I have come

across a few passages.  I do not know if they will be of any use but I am

not one to make those determinations.  It seems that bond is not only a

reference to a relationship between people or things, but a becoming one

with.  To bond with almost on an organic level.  Those chosen to be imbued

with the powers of the shadowmage, I believe, will not simply harness said

powers but become infused with them.  To become one with the winds.  The

winds to become one with the mage.  No seperation.  It is not a possession.

It is not a channeling.  It is, from what I can understand, a complete union

of spirit and flesh. 

In His Service,
