
by Reklah Kayen


It is a term oft confused with racism by our opposition.  San Gohdam's

fable, "Sunset Dawn", depicts a story.  Gohdam defends a yaenni from

Gareth's persecution.  Most of the story is archaic propaganda perpetuated

by Saravhana and her ilk, but neither is there some supreme claim to Gohdam

being racist. 

Gareth credits their human policy to tradition.  They fail to discern why it

was there at the beginning of Tesalon Gareth's reign. 

What was credited as Purism now falls under my principle of Brotherhood.

Most of us are sensible and intelligent human beings.  When I brought Shay

to meet my elven fiance, he did not slap her in the face.  He welcomed her

to the family surname and all. 

Make no mistake, we are Purists.  Storm Keep is a human military, not because of perceived

superiority like the Vallen, but because we took Gohdam's theories and

purified them in their function.  We are purified of greed, lust, jealousy.

Gohdam's "Brotherhood" failed because of San's murder and the indoctrine of

others.  It is claimed Targetter was responsible for this.  Shay took

Gohdam's original intention of a human Brotherhood and made it reality. 


Because nobody knows the minds of Ogres like Vorxuq, nor the dark elves like

Ursah and Dar'shin Ka'vanth.  All of us are unified by our cause, but we

have to be sensible.  Each race is prone to its own racial ticks, and it's

best left to those of their own race to guide them. 

If you doubt my words, look at the results of war in the past century.

Greystoke, Gypsy, Eclipse.  All organizations mandated by no race

regulations.  The dwarves, the elves, and both human organizations stand. 

I should make note that this policy works for militaries and is not

inclusive to kingdoms, but that is another discussion.