The Tenets

The Vision

"Ambactus a Caligo"

This phrase, taken from the same tongue as the motto of Gareth's Keep, describes the ultimate purpose of a Knight of Storm Keep.  A "Servant of Darkness", he seeks to be the epitome of the mortal servant of Necrucifer or Drakkara, placing all else secondary to this end, and using all his abilities to bring Finality.  

The Code

"Independence breeds chaos.  Submit and be strong. 
Death is patient.  It flows both from without and from within. Be vigilant in all and skeptical of all.
One who follows the heart finds it will bleed."

The three verses of the Code guide our rules, our religious texts and our behavior.  They serve to epitomize our purpose and guide us when the required action is unclear.  The lessons contained within them are innumerable, their study is a progress of a lifetime.  Yet it must be understood that the primary focus of the first is to maintain us always under the Will of the Mistress & Master.  The second is a caution against threats external and divisions internal.  The last is a caution of discipline, and its necessity in the face of emotional temptations of love, anger, or desire.  

The Blood Oath

"Submit or die."

The Blood Oath is a single sentence which embodies the commitment all Knights make to His Service.  Many presume it a battlecry; something said to the enemy to bring him to heel before the iron fist of Storm Keep.  It may be used thus, but that is not its purpose.  The Blood Oath is directed internally; each swears to submit always to the revealed Will of the Mistress & Master and the purpose of Storm Keep, less his life be forfeit and claimed by his comrades.  Digression and diversion are not acceptable.  

In these three precepts must all the following documents be understood: His Will, His Way, Her Precepts, and the Code of Conduct serve to provide focused instruction as to how to live by these precepts, in three specific areas: Faith, Combat, and Conduct.