
"If God speaks, you must listen."

          Reklah Kayen, Three Principles

The Templar form the spiritual heart of Storm Keep. Under the guidance of the Lord Templar, the sect aims to instruct in theology and enforce obeisance of religious and ethical mandates both within and outside of its confines. The sect is founded significantly in religion, ergo those who serve within the Templar study extensively in the faiths atop staunch adherence to combat procedures. Through piety, these Knights further the ultimate designs of Storm Keep; the preparation of Algoron for the Vision of Darkness - extinguishing the sun unto infinite night.

Historically, the Templar have been composed of priests, theologians, and zealous crusaders but all with a passion for faith can attend this sect. The Templar often take an advisory role in the Keep among their fellow soldiers, as none are more learned in the Will of the Goddess and Sons.

All tasks can be completed either through interaction or through writing
unless otherwise noted.  Be sure to include the Lord Templar, Templar
Warder and all Council members on any written submissions.  For
conversations, the Supplicant will ask the Knight overseeing the task to
note the same confirming that discourse took place and the Novice's
knowledge and understanding is satisfactory.

*All tasks are expected to be recorded within the personal libram acquired at Petitioner rank.

1. The Supplicant shall begin a comprehensive study, selecting a significant piece of Shadow's history or philosophical idea. This will include presentation of your findings and interpretation in writing or in person.

2. The Supplicant shall present an outline of how the Three Principles have personally shaped them through time while also speculating on possible challenges and future development.

3. The Supplicant shall engage in a study of one of the past or present Lunar Gods of either the Light or Balanced Pantheon and explore its teachings in which to further analyze and identify the following:

o What are the misguided notions of this faith,

o What misconceptions are had in how this faith connects to His and Her Will,

o What preempted your choice for this faith and how your research furthered your understanding toward its fulfillment of the Vision and furthering of Her Will?

4. The Supplicant shall formulate a discussion that highlights the ecclesiastical differences between the knights of Storm Keep and those outside of Storm but still of His and Her faith.

5. A Supplicant shall choose three of the tasks of a meritorious nature and complete them.

6. When all other tasks are complete the Sect and High Council will review the Supplicants journal and  judge their readiness. The Supplicant will undergo the Test of the High Council, a final trial of worthiness as a Dark Knight. Once it has been passed, they will kneel upon the pedestal and take up their place as a Dark Knight of the Templar.