The Mutiny of Ellminaidra Madaur


I regret my involvement in the entire affair.

I do not mean to imply I would not go through it all again.  What took place spoke of an implicit lack of understanding and regard for the precepts which bind us together within these walls.  The perfidy of Hydrea threatened to crack the mortar of our brotherhood, and it was only with reluctance that his excision was realized.

Rather, what I regret is the knowledge that history is awarded the victor, and I fear that my friend's name will be indemnified for the damage he has wrought.

What plagued Hydrea during that last year I may never know.  Since his return from Abaddon, he never again possessed that same calm fervor I had come to know as his.  The man I will remember fondly was of halcyon demeanor, confident of faith and staunch in service. If ever I had a brother in arms, this were he. I could not have asked for a better soldier.

Questions still beg for purchase in my mind.  What drove Hydrea down this path?  What more could have been done to guide him back to God?  Was this my failing, my undoing the man through the demands which I placed upon him?

Yet I find myself subverting these questions by our code.  Submit or die.  Hydrea simply chose death.

Aeryc Maelwaedd

Whispers in the Dark

"These grievances were never brought before his superiors.  The entire chain of command has been ignored in animus for our code."

The Dark Lord responded to Zorreau de la Vega with a quiet nod of her head.  Her eyes lifted to greet Aeryc as he entered the council chambers, joining the other members who stood around the elongated table dominating the center of the room.  Zorreau's attention alighted to the side as well, extending a cursory nod as greeting.


The Battlefield

Three men entered from the eastern gate leading to the arena, each an imposing figure in blackened platemail.

From the other end, those three championing Hydrea strode forward.  At the front

Three imposing figures entered from the eastern end of the arena.  A century of battlefield experience between them, their posture reflecting it.  Three men who I've served under while they commanded the office of Dark Lord, the same office they now fought to defend.

From the other end of the battlefield entered those championing the cause of Hydrea.  Novice Nevian Hydrea, son to Atheran, twin daggers held at his sides.  Novice Shawn Dak'kon, the thrill of battle gleaming behind his dark eyes, belligerent as I had come to expect of the man.  And then Debbie, a cloud of dust kicking up behind Shawn's chain boots and covering her cloth in a thin layer of sand, obscuring her delicate features.

Sir Reklah Kayen was first to move into action.  He thrust a single steel gauntlet forward, clutching as if to grab the air itself.  When he withdrew his hand, he tore the very fabric of reality asunder, and from within that dark cloud of the Umbra strode forth a demon in the form of a steed.  Its eyes were burnt out of their sockets, fire and malevolence smoldering in their place.  As both Aeryc Maelwaedd and Zorreau de la Vega covered his flanks, Reklah took the reins and swung himself onto the saddle upon the demon's back.

Then, they began posturing.

Minutes passed without engagement.  My knuckles bled to white as I held the railing surrounding the battleground anxiously.  The three men in platemail raised their shields as they strode cautiously forward to the western end.  Meanwhile, Shawn Dak'kon took place at the front of his triad, bearing himself into a defensive stance.

Execution of Hydrea

References sequenced by Date

These are only copies of the missives I was able to recover.  The Council

has granted me leave to record them within the library for the sake of our

future generations.

I have not yet been able to recover everything that transpired during these

days. However, I remain vigilant in my pursuit of more.


Megan: On the Matter of Storm

Fri Apr 10 21:36:52 2015

To: Nordmaar Reagan


As it has come to my attention that Atheran spreads rumors on the

reasoning behind Shadow's banishment from Nordmaar, I will clear the matter

up myself.  Shadow is unwelcome within these walls for lying to the Crown.

Simply put.  He was publicly rude to a member of the Royal Family of

Nordmaar without provocation on more than one occasion.  His rudeness

continued until those of Storm were made unwelcome.  

A bargain was made between the Dark Lord and our King that stated Atheran

would write a note of apology to Nordmaar for his rudeness if we allowed

them entry.  We upheld our end of this bargain to no avail.  Atheran did not

honor Storm's part in this agreement.  

Thus, those of Storm are again unwelcome within our walls until such time as

the can honor their word and treat our citizens with at least common


Queen Megan MacCallum


Atheran: Mutiny of the Dark Lord.

Thu Apr 16 22:25:01 2015

To: Ellminaidra Shadow Ampersand


With the current shape of His Keep, I have decided to mutiny against the

Dark Lord.  The morale of His Keep has declined to a point where our men no

longer wish to awaken.  The faith within the keep has never felt more faint

and it has been questioned by those of His cloth.  With the time that the

Dark Lord is awake and with her inability to support her knights, I have

decided to mutiny against her. 


No longer shall we feel leaderless. No longer shall our faith be in question.

We will once again rise as His Knights.


Atheran Hydrea

Disciple and Warder of His Keep


Ellminaidra: State of Mutiny

 Fri Apr 17 10:41:30 2015

To: Shadow ( IMM RP Necrucifer )


Dark Knights of Storm:

I write, not to answer the charges laid against me, but instead to call

for unity. In this time when our Keep is forced to divide, remember that

we are brothers.

The blood of battle is thicker then the water of the womb.


We, together, must be steadfast in our purpose. We, together, must not be

distracted by the trials of a mutiny. We, together, are God's Chosen.


Stand together, brothers, for Necrucifer.


His Will be done.


-Ellminaidra Madaur

 Dark Lord of Shadow


Jurann: This Mutiny.

Fri Apr 17 17:09:46 2015

To: Shadow Imm RP Ellminaidra


Whoever stands with Hydrea, as his Champion, once defeated by my hand

shall find themselves removed from the Keep for eternity. 

Be warned. 

Jurann of Desormes,

First of the Chosen,

Chancellor and Field Marshal of Storm Keep,

Once Dark Lord and Lord Templar of Storm Keep,

Protector of Pookie,

The Wall,

Once High Clerist and Avatar of Dragoth,

Last Keeper of the Eclipse


Atheran: forced leave.

Fri Apr 17 17:17:48 2015

To: shadow ellminaidra imm rp Ampersand


I will not leave His Keep unless I am removed in a body bag.  Break my

bones and attempt to crack my spirit.  You shall fail. 

Atheran Hydrea


[ 30] Megan: On the Matter of Storm

Fri Apr 10 21:36:52 2015

To: Nordmaar Reagan


As it has come to my attention that Atheran spreads rumors on the

reasoning behind Shadow's banishment from Nordmaar, I will clear the matter

up myself.  Shadow is unwelcome within these walls for lying to the Crown.

Simply put.  He was publicly rude to a member of the Royal Family of

Nordmaar without provocation on more than one occasion.  His rudeness

continued until those of Storm were made unwelcome.  

A bargain was made between the Dark Lord and our King that stated Atheran

would write a note of apology to Nordmaar for his rudeness if we allowed

them entry.  We upheld our end of this bargain to no avail.  Atheran did not

honor Storm's part in this agreement.  

Thus, those of Storm are again unwelcome within our walls until such time as

the can honor their word and treat our citizens with at least common


Queen Megan MacCallum


[ 49] Atheran: Mutiny of the Dark Lord.

Thu Apr 16 22:25:01 2015

To: Ellminaidra Shadow Ampersand


With the current shape of His Keep, I have decided to mutiny against the

Dark Lord.  The morale of His Keep has declined to a point where our men no

longer wish to awaken.  The faith within the keep has never felt more faint

and it has been questioned by those of His cloth.  With the time that the

Dark Lord is awake and with her inability to support her knights, I have

decided to mutiny against her. 


No longer shall we feel leaderless. No longer shall our faith be in question.

We will once again rise as His Knights.


Atheran Hydrea

Disciple and Warder of His Keep


[ 52] Ellminaidra: State of Mutiny

Fri Apr 17 10:41:30 2015

To: Shadow ( IMM RP Necrucifer )


Dark Knights of Storm:

I write, not to answer the charges laid against me, but instead to call

for unity. In this time when our Keep is forced to divide, remember that

we are brothers.

The blood of battle is thicker then the water of the womb.


We, together, must be steadfast in our purpose. We, together, must not be

distracted by the trials of a mutiny. We, together, are God's Chosen.


Stand together, brothers, for Necrucifer.


His Will be done.


-Ellminaidra Madaur

 Dark Lord of Shadow


[ 53] Jurann: This Mutiny.

Fri Apr 17 17:09:46 2015

To: Shadow Imm RP Ellminaidra


Whoever stands with Hydrea, as his Champion, once defeated by my hand

shall find themselves removed from the Keep for eternity. 

Be warned. 

Jurann of Desormes,

First of the Chosen,

Chancellor and Field Marshal of Storm Keep,

Once Dark Lord and Lord Templar of Storm Keep,

Protector of Pookie,

The Wall,

Once High Clerist and Avatar of Dragoth,

Last Keeper of the Eclipse


[ 54] Atheran: forced leave.

Fri Apr 17 17:17:48 2015

To: shadow ellminaidra imm rp Ampersand


I will not leave His Keep unless I am removed in a body bag.  Break my

bones and attempt to crack my spirit.  You shall fail. 

Atheran Hydrea


Aeryc: Regarding this mutiny

Sat Apr 18 01:42:47 2015

To: Shadow Ellminaidra Jurann ( Imm Ampersand RP Necrucifer )


Storm Keep,

I implore those involved to find a peaceful compromise.  The brotherhood we

seek to develop within the Keep is threatened by this talk, and seeing the

mutiny through to its conclusion will only create a greater divide. 

Know that there can only be one conclusion.  I champion the cause of the

Dark Lord.  Do not commit yourself to certain death. 


Aeryc Maelwaedd


Thurston: An Update.

Sun Apr 19 00:45:06 2015

To: Ellminaidra Aeryc          ( IMM RP Necrucifer Ampersand )


Lady Madaur,

I have spoken with Atheran and convinced him of my loyalty.  It took some

explanation, but I was able to find my way into his trust.  We spoke for a

short time about his plans. 

He told me if I joined him, we would be killed.  It seems he does not truly

believe he can win.  I cannot decipher his motives if that is truly how he

feels.  But, he truly wishes to go through with this. 

It seems he believes that both the Horde and the Order of Greystoke back

him.  However, I do not believe the Horde actually cares either way.  An

interesting fact, though.  He told me that Overlord Gnarlroc of Greystoke is

the godfather to his son.  Why he would make a deep gnome opposed to the

Prophecy his son's godfather is beyond me.  Perhaps his plan is to escape

the Keep if he loses and find his way to the Slayers. 

I have witnessed his alliance with them in person.  They aided Misery Keep

while we controlled it.  I attacked them, and he scorned me.  They, however,

did not attack us.  It seems his ties to them are strong. 

On a side note, he told me to be ready to fight.  From the sound of it, and

I do not believe he would tell me everything, he anticipates Debbie to fight

for him.  He said he would place me in the fight over her, as he believes I

am stronger. 

There is more to learn, but if that truly is his plan, he is surely doomed.

It is worth noting, though I doubt it is based on anything, that the knights

are behind him.  It is the old establishment and the officers that back you.

I can note also that he was searching for his son.  Perhaps that will be one

of his combatants as well. 

I am curious about Shawn.  Shawn is currently under the employ of your

Husband within the ACFL.  The word is that our King has been most kind to

him, and I am not sure he would sever that bond. 

So as of now, my speculation is that both Nevian and I will be fighting for

him.  I do not know the third.  I also told him I will dig around for

information.  And I told him that you pleaded with me to fight for you, and

that the officers who have publicly backed you are an attempt at bluffing

him into submission. 

If there is any misinformation you would like for me to spread to him,

please let me know.  I will gladly share it with him.  But please, I beg

that you not tell me any real information from here on out.  A symbol of my

loyalty to you.  To prove I am no double agent. 

Any misinformation you give me will likely strengthen the bond he feels we

share, so I implore you give me something.  And again, something false. 

His Will be Done,

-Thurston Atennim

Esquire of the Legion


Reklah: Failure

Sun Apr 19 02:00:44 2015

To: Shadow ( Imm Admin RP )



My first assignment to Atheran Hydrea as my adopted disciple was to finish

his prior work with Abram MacNeil, whom he served in his past life in

supplication before the Sanctum.  My second was to read the Three Principles

carefully and attest to their essence, what they mean. 

It is clear from the happenings this past fortnight that Atheran Hydrea is a

soldier practiced in matters of the legion, but woefully unprepared in the

philosophy that has soldered and buttressed our society.  He does not

understand concepts of brotherhood, nor unity. 

Mutiny is occasionally necessary.  I have been involved in three mutinies,

and this will be my fourth.  Even great men must sometimes suffer the threat

of mutiny, like Ihsan Madaur or Jaerlach Kesepton who both contributed

greatly to this keep but became so accustomed to leadership they forgot to

leave it. 

It is also limpid that Hydrea has no nuance or perception in this.  He is

the deaf court jester whose words fall harmoniously to his thoughts but sear

the brains of others.  He has an implicit lack of understanding of what

Shadow is.  The first thing that should have happened in any event is that

the High Council was consulted privately.  This did not happen, and the

furtive whisperings of mutiny took place as they would have in Gaar Volen.

Many flaws have plagued this keep of late.  The High Council is called upon

less and less.  Disciples are taken under the wing and not consulted.

Appointments and decisions are both made without the input of the High

Council -- these things are worthy of mention and improvement, but not

mutiny, and Hydrea's rash and uneducated call to justice cements his legacy

as a failed disciple. 

The condition of this keep has disturbed me greatly, but it is with equal

parts knowledge and the guilt that I cannot be present to fix it where I

once was. Supplicants like Shawn blurt their uninformed words in public

forums where they should be exiled, Hydrea is an officer where he should

have been demoted at first sign of perfidy.  Ellminaidra Madaur as the Dark

Lord of this keep must surround herself with the High Council, listen to

them, be more active -- but she will remain as the Dark Lord because those

Hydrea should have consulted first dictate it. 

I will say this once.  Ellminaidra Madaur will remain in her position as the

Dark Lord of this keep.  All those who have failed -- petitioners, warders,

alike -- should read the fine print of this keep closely and inculcate it,

because the next mistake will result in severe punishment.  Atheran Hydrea

has failed as my disciple and is sentenced to death at dawn's first light. 



Thurston: A Little List.

Sun Apr 19 02:02:15 2015

To: Ellminaidra Aeryc                ( IMM RP Necrucifer Ampersand )


Lady Madaur,

A List of the Betrayers and Mutineers thus far:




The Usurper made note that Traice had betrayed Atheran for his own safety.

More to come when it is uncovered.

-Thurston Atennim,

Esquire of the Legion


Aeryc: In Regards to Debbie

Sun Apr 19 02:14:21 2015

To: Ellminaidra ( Imm Ampersand RP Necrucifer )


Dark Lord,

Debbie has been placed within Hydrea's employ alongside Thurston so she

may report to you any additional men corrupted by Atheran, as they will all

need to be excised from the Keep. 

Debbie and Thurston do not know of each other's identity as informants.  I

suggest it remain this way.

Aeryc Maelwaedd


Zorreau: Matters of Storm Keep

Sun Apr 19 15:26:11 2015

To: Shadow ( Imm RP )


Soldiers of Storm,

You are all aware of the current happenings within the Keep.  I do not come

to you to sway your opinions on such.  I come to you as a fellow soldier of

Necrucifer.  I feel all recent happenings could of been avoided. 

If there is unrest within the Keep.  If you're having issues or concerns,

they must be raised.  This should firstly go to your Sect leader.  If they

do not respond within a timely matter, seek out another who can assist. 

Though I have taken a step back from the field recently, I check my missives

daily and I have not received any regarding issues or concerns, so the call

of Mutiny was certainly an unwelcome surprise. 

I offer my eyes and ears for your council, if you do have a problem or

questions.  Send me a missive, I like to consider myself fair and will give

your tribulations consideration and let you know my thoughts. 

From this, I can offer guidance, advice or simply set you straight.

We are all His men. Let's maintain a united front.

Zorreau de la Vega

Lord Templar


Ibiza: Storm Mutiny

Wed Apr 22 13:16:18 2015

To: Ellminaidra Reklah Zorreau Ibiza Beylerian Aeryc Atheran ( Ampersand Kyri Necrucifer Imm RP Pookie )


This meeting is scheduled past my time. 

I would make the following points though. 

If this mutiny goes ahead, Storm Keep will lose as those who are active and

present will likely depart, decreasing our capability to do God's will. 

However, if there is found a way where both sides can be reconciled then let

it be so.  An honourable way out for those of you who care about such a

thing.  You know I do not. 

If a compromise cannot be found, then I would council to let the duel go

ahead, but I can only see one outcome.  I have been surprised before,

nonwithstanding how many times this disciple has been able to fail his

sanctum tests and still live. 

Tradition may be our downfall, but our respect and adherence to the law

governs Storm Keep.  All of us know this, and understand the

responsibilities and risks we take by risking God's wrath. 

le Toad


Zorreau: Mutiny Meeting

Wed Apr 22 16:52:45 2015

To: Ellminaidra Ibiza Beylerian Reklah Aeryc Atheran ( Necrucifer Ampersand Kyri Imm RP )


Council Members,

I shall endeavour to attend the meeting this eve, though in all likeliness I

will be unable to do so.  I wish to display my thoughts for you all in lieu

of speaking them.  I will speak openly and fairly, whilst trying to be

precise to the point. 

This Mutiny is wrong and unwarranted.  As I stated to Atheran, there was no

true attempt to bring the Council together to discuss any issues.  Any can

speak to the lands and hope the other can hear, but we all serve at

different times of the day. 

I awake daily in the early morning and catch up on all my missives, not once

have I been requested to be present or to assist in any matters.  I know the

response to this will be 'You shouldn't have to be summoned via missive.  '

My answer to that is, we all have duties to attend to, both personal and


I can not speak for other Sect Leaders, but you stated Nevian was a Novice

of the Templar.  I was unaware of this, whether I missed the missive or not.

I am unsure.  I hadn't seen him before and only heard of his training, I

wrongly assumed he was joining the Legion.  For that, I apologize and will

rectify it. 

With that said, I do believe Atheran has brought up several critical issues

which need resolving.  Especially following the untimely death of Jurann.

The Council seats are quite bare, I shall continue to shoulder what I can

but we do not have suitable men in position to fulfill the positions


I discussed with the Dark Lord and Atheran about Sect Leaders taking a more

active and watchful role over other Sects, so should a Sect Leader fall

absent those waiting upon them can still continue to progress.  The new

Chancellor will then watch over the Sect Leaders to make sure this is done

and all men have a point of contact should progress falter due to no fault

of their own. 

Returning to the impending battle for control of Storm Keep, I stand firmly

with a peaceful resolution.  The issues have come to light.  This is what

you wished to accomplish and you have, so let it end here.  We are actively

working to correct them but this is not a process that happens overnight. 

If this doesn't happen, then I will not stand by and let Storm Keep destroy

itself from within.  Atheran, I ask you end this mutiny.  Let us work on

what you have brought to light and come up with solutions to suit all. 

We've heard and we will fix this. 

Zorreau de la Vega

Lord Templar


Ellminaidra: Regarding: Atheran Hydrea

Thu Apr 23 11:35:22 2015

To: Symantha Zorreau Aeryc Reklah ( IMM RP Necrucifer )



I pen the following for your consideration, as Council Elder and as Atheran

Hydrea's mentor. I have yet to fully reconcile my thoughts, so please

forgive the fractured nature of my writing.


We name death as this Keep's harshest punishment - yet I do not believe

the harshest punishment has been seen. As such, I am want to propose that

Atheran be offered the chance to withdraw, and keep his life - in exchange

for his tongue. Allow him to serve mutely as a Dark Knight and forbid

him forever from advancing in rank and in again seeking the Sanctum.


His voice would be forfeit as punishment for failing. The voice that should

have been used to uphold the Council during the quiet hours of the night.

The same voice that was used to speak against the Council when he was goaded

into mutinous action by lesser men.


I want to believe that he is still capable of serving Necrucifer in life,

and not only in death.




Aeryc: Your Perspective

Thu Apr 23 18:11:12 2015

To: Ellminaidra Reklah Zorreau Ibiza Beylerian Symantha ( Necrucifer Imm RP )


Elder Kesepton,

The former Warder of the Legion, Atheran Hydrea, has received guidance from

Abram MacNeil, Jurann of Desormes, and Reklah Kayen. 

As you have only recently returned to the Keep, your ignorance in this is

forgiven.  Guidance, teaching, training, and discipline have all been given

to this man - then shunned as a child would scorn his parents for their

guiding hand. 

Similar guidance has been offered to each of these men.  Their minds were,

however, tainted by the poison of Atheran's words and Lazerus's ill-advised

appearance.  That Hydrea's progeny and Shawn, a man cast out from both

Greystoke and the Dungeon, side with him comes as no surprise. 

This is not a mutiny.  This is one man failing the Keep, and then dragging

his family into his affairs as he grasps at the final threads of his life. 


Aeryc Maelwaedd

*a note is scribbled at the bottom of this page*

The missive this was in response to appears to have been redacted. Upon

questioning, Aeryc simply replied that "Elder Symantha Kesepton thought

better of her original assertions, and her letter was subsequently withdrawn."


Ibiza: The Wisdom of Lazerus Talmont

Fri Apr 24 10:49:17 2015

To: Shadow ( Ampersand Kyri Necrucifer Imm RP )


Recently Necrucifer's own ambassador came to Algoron and spoke to

mutinous followers of Storm Keep.  They demanded rights they thought that

Necrucifer and Storm Keep owed them. 

Lazerus considered, then removed one of the laws of Shadow which has stood

since the Storm Keep was built - that only Knights of Necrucifer have earned

the right to speak in public. 

The recalcitrants grasped this opportunity with relish.  Freed from the

discipline that had held their tongues. 

Alas.  It was wisdom indeed that Lazerus showed, for 'ere the veil had been

lifted did the unworthy begin to rant in all manner of behaviour unbecoming

to a Knight of Necrucifer.  Such innane chatter and unknightly taunting

which brought both Storm Keep and themselves into disrepute. 

We are Knights of Necrucifer, and thus we are held to a higher standard than

any other.  This episode takes me back to San Gohdam, and how those who did

not measure up to our standards, failed him in the Sons of Malice.  Not all

were made to walk our path. 

Enlightenment.  Unification.  The end of Anarchy.  The end of Chaos.  The

end of balance. 

Independence breeds chaos.  Submit and be strong. 

Death is patient.  It flows both from without and from within.  Be vigilant

in all and skeptical of all. 

One who follows the heart finds it will bleed. 

le Toad

recovered from the journal of Lazureth Kesepton, Novitiate of Necrucifer