
[From the point of view of Elaynah Montero, Warder of the Templar at the time]

Aesea has entered the realm.

Ibiza wakes and stands up.

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of frog every which way.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'Is it true?'

Aesea stands up.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Ah, I have been waiting for you.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I wished to see your book.'

Aesea looks at Ibiza, a look of hope in her eyes.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'But yes it is true, and the results are encouraging.'

You raise an eyebrow.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'Excellent... I will do what I can.'

Aesea gets a love note from a spirit hoard.

Aesea gives a love note to Ibiza.

Aesea winks.

You ponder.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'This is the book I require?'

Elaynah inhales, almost about to ask a question, then exhales and shakes her head as she looks away.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'I don't have a copy of my book at the moment, but I can make another this evening.'

Aesea shakes her head.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I look forward to that.'

Ibiza gives a love note to Aesea.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I suggest you give that to someone with the capacity for love.'

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'The note was insurance in case you turn into a frog.'

Ibiza cackles at Aesea.

Aesea puts a love note in a spirit hoard.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Well, the Warder here has not yet found her prince.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'But behold what we have seen so far.'

Ibiza utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.

Ibiza quaffs a potion gourd of withstand death.

Ibiza quaffs a potion gourd of summon shadow.

Ibiza's shadow slowly moves and comes to life.

Ibiza invokes a sizzling cone of lightning!

Ibiza's cone of lightning === OBLITERATES === Aesea!

Ibiza's cone of lightning === OBLITERATES === you!

Ibiza is in excellent condition.

Your slash DISEMBOWELS Ibiza!

A grand arcanium sword draws life from Ibiza.

Your slash MANGLES Ibiza!

A grand arcanium sword draws life from Ibiza.

Aesea's shocking bite *** DEVASTATES *** Ibiza!

Aesea's shocking bite DISMEMBERS Ibiza!

Aesea's shocking bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Ibiza!

Aesea's shocking bite MUTILATES Ibiza!

Aesea's shocking bite MANGLES Ibiza!

Aesea's shocking bite MUTILATES Ibiza!

Ibiza has quite a few wounds.

Aesea walks west.

Aesea has fled!

Ibiza's shocking bite misses you.

You parry Ibiza's shadow's attack.

Your slash DISMEMBERS Ibiza!

A grand arcanium sword draws life from Ibiza.

Your slash misses Ibiza.

Ibiza has quite a few wounds.

You block Ibiza's shadow's attack with your shield.

Ibiza's shadow's slap misses you.

You parry Ibiza's attack.

You parry Ibiza's attack.

Your slash MASSACRES Ibiza!

A grand arcanium sword draws life from Ibiza.

Your slash *** DEVASTATES *** Ibiza!

A grand arcanium sword draws life from Ibiza.

Ibiza has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Aesea walks in.

Ibiza has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

A Darkened Hallway

  You find yourself at an intersection of hallways within Storm Keep.  The

walls, ceiling, and floor that surround you are all constructed of the same

black marble, polished smooth to perfection.  Several torches line the

hallway, bathing the area in a soft glow.  The flames flicker and dance,

causing the shadows around to you to come to life, caressing your skin with

their touch.  A marble staircase is set into a nearby wall, leading downward

into darkness. 

 [Exits: north east south west down  ]

     An obsidian statue of the Master of Darkness towers above you.

You flee from combat!

You lost 10 exp.

Looking around you see:

Aesea, nearby to the north.

Ibiza's shadow, nearby to the north.

Ibiza, nearby to the north.

the priest of Necrucifer, nearby to the north.

Chamber of Rest

  This dome-shaped room is immense, the ceiling rising high up into the

air, surpassing any other point of Storm Keep.  Constructed of a highly

polished black marble, it is lit by numerous crystal chandeliers that hang

from chains constructed of interwoven strands of gold and silver.  They are

the only source of light in this room; like the rest of the keep, there are

no windows present.  Numerous blankets are spread out across the marble

floor in a systematic and orderly fashion of linear ranks and files.  They

are well padded, and each has a soft, down pillow placed at its head.  Along

the eastern wall, numerous shelves stretch across the expanse of the

chamber, filled with trophies, armors, and weapons claimed in honorable

combat from fallen foes.  A narrow spiral staircase leads to a dark chamber


 [Exits: south west down  ]

(38) A delicious magic mushroom is here.

     A wrought-iron cauldron is bubbling away here.

     (Glowing) A dark glowing orb sits here, suspended in the air.

     Numerous blankets line the marble floor, inviting you to rest for as long as necessary.

     A black marble fountain trickles quietly with water here.


Aesea, Esquire of the Templar is here.

(Charmed) Ibiza's shadow is here.

(Hostile) Ibiza le Toad, Brewing the Umbra is here.

(White Aura) A priest of Necrucifer sits upon a gray blanket in the center of the room, chanting softly.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Well, that was a waste of withstand death.'

Ibiza sighs to himself.

Aesea glances at Ibiza.

Aesea chuckles.

Ibiza's shadow says 'But yet you made me.'

You chortle.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'What is this?'

Ibiza points at Ibiza's shadow.

Aesea smirks.

Ibiza's shadow says 'Take your time...'

Ibiza grumbles at Ibiza's shadow.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'My time is short this morning... but I will collect the things I need to pen a copy for you.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice (to Aesea) 'I would appreciate that.'

Ibiza's shadow says 'You're not ignoring his question are you?'

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of frog every which way.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'I would like to speak with you... at length when you've time. I have dreamt and heard whispers of something brewing, as it were.

Aesea glances at Ibiza.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'The Black and I have worked on this long.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'But we might be finally making progress.'

Ibiza's shadow says 'I'm a Shadow!'

A shadowy figure stands here. It seems to live on its own. Ibiza's shadow is in excellent condition.

You snicker.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice (to Ibiza's shadow) 'Quite'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'And this is important because of what happened long ago.'

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'Old magics at work... something from a time lost.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I assume you know your history?'

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'I know the older histories... those that are newer, I am less familiar with.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'The blood of Necrucifer tainted the rivers and oceans, its very essence permeated everywhere in the land, spawning evil creatures and beings alike.   '

Aesea glances at Ibiza.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I have found a way to enhance evil magic by drawing on our Lord's physical presence on Algoron.'

You say (to Aesea) 'From the fight with Austinian. '

You nod sagely.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'by enhancing the power of the Black Moon.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'But it is tied to the Umbra, and the way of...'

Ibiza's shadow says 'Shadows!'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice (to Ibiza's shadow) 'Quite.'

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

Aesea ponders.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of chain lightning every which way.

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'The Umbra... a direct tie to our Lord, more powerful than anything Algoron has seen.'

Ibiza nods.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Greater than good.'

Ibiza stands up.

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of hex every which way.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Every thing on Algoron is blessed by the ancient fallen blood of our Lord.'

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'It is the first in a series of events that will fulfill the prophecy.'

Ibiza quaffs a potion gourd of hex.

Ibiza grins at Aesea.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'We know this to be true.'

Aesea shivers uncontrolably, then crosses her arms across her chest.

You beam a smile at Aesea.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'The Prophecy draws ever nearer.'

You say 'Why hasn't anyone told me? I should be praying on this!'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'And our new power will ease His coming.'

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of entangle every which way.

Ibiza quaffs a potion gourd of entangle.

You ponder.

Aesea says (to You) 'These things have been in motion... for many centuries, but only recently have come to light.'

You nod sagely.

You pray, saying "I learn today of the power Ibiza has harnessed, the magic that can be magnified and amplified with Your blood that was spilt upon the realms. Talk is that this discovery will lead us that much closer to Your prophecy, the first in a series of events to that end. ".

The gods have received your prayers.

Aesea says (to You) 'The elder... Rochford the Black, it was his research that started this.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'May he return ere the end is nigh.'

Aesea says (to Ibiza) 'But there is another... tied to this research.'

You pray, saying "All that can be done to lend aid to Ibiza will be done. We will act as one to support and help his research and these advancements. In Your name, Your will shall be done. ".

The gods have received your prayers.

You nod sagely.

Aesea brushes a tear from her cheek before turning her head for a moment.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'Not also with the Black?'

Ibiza stands up.

Ibiza gets a Magic Mushroom.

Ibiza puts a Magic Mushroom in an iron cauldron.

A foul smelling smoke rises from the cauldron as Ibiza begins to brew.

When the smoke clears Ibiza is left standing holding a potion.

Ibiza turns a potion gourd of haste every which way.

You pray, saying "The Prophecy Be Fulfilled to Your ends, that Algoron may know its one TRUE master - Necrucifer.".

The gods have received your prayers.

Aesea whispers 'A shadow of a thought, a whisper of a name... Crelius.'

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'I have no doubt that we wills see him again.'

You smile.

Ibiza says in a raspy voice 'But first God must will it.'

Aesea nods.

You smile.

Aesea says 'His will be done.'

You nod at Aesea.

Aesea smiles, then sits down to meditate on the blanket.

Aesea has left the realm.