Knights of the Obsidian Cross


[196] Lanival: Tournament of the Obsidian Cross

Mon Oct 12 20:26:40 2009

To: Shadow Dojia Delirium Imm RP Necrucifer



I pen this missive to announce a tournament of martial prowess.  The Tournament of the Obsidian Cross will be open to all active soldiers of Storm Keep and will be a single elimination competition using the rules of the Algoron Gladiator League.  All are encouraged to participate.  Those

courageous enough to do so will gain some level of esteem in my eyes regardless of their success.  

The tournament's final victor will be granted an honorary title of no small

prestige, and an associated emblem.  From this point onward, the Tournament of the Obsidian Cross will be held once every four months, with the previous tournament's champion being given a seeding advantage in the subsequent tournament.  If you have any interest in participating, you MUST send a missive to me, and only me, to announce your intentions.  Any who fail to do so will not be permitted to enter the tournament.  

This is a chance to show your valor in that most honorable of martial settings, the duel.  The tournament will be held within the next two, or possibly three, weeks.  The specific date and time will be announced  soon.  


Lanival Illithi