
[ 99] Verdemar: Finality

Tue Jun 11 00:36:04 2013

To: Ellminaidra



This principle stands at the pinnacle of everything we hold dear.  Look at

your surroundings, drink them in.  This is God.  Your very bones were

created to serve Him, to bring His Absolution.  Dwell on that thought.  Be

mindful of your features, of your brothers and sisters.  Take in the ground

beneath your feet, and the sweat upon your enemies' brow.  

All of this is God.  

This principle states that if there is an action that, whether directly or

indirectly, will bring about Absolution, our victory, then you must take

that action, secure in the knowledge that it will further our cause.  

What does this mean for you?  

As Knights, we have taken oaths, oaths we are bound, as men of honour, to

hold to.  Some of these are oaths to our brothers and sisters, others to the

Keep itself.  Some of the oaths we have taken are to our family, our

comrades.  If you are faced with a decision, between breaking an oath you

have made and taking an action that will bring about God's Absolution, what

are you to do?  A man of honour will tell you to keep to your oaths, as they

are above all other things.  

This is not so.  

As men of Storm Keep, the highest oath we have taken is to God.  We have

sworn to uphold his values, and to work to bring to God His Absolution, His

Dawn.  The Coming.  Whatever you desire to call the End, it is our end-game.

The reward for all our many years' of work.  

We are the harbingers of the Prophecy, the Knights of Storm.  Many call us

evil, but how many of those realize the goal for which we strive so

fervently?  If men and women of Algoron knew, as well as we, what comes with

God, would they cast us down as they do now?  

When God speaks to you, Listen.  Listen with your whole being, not just your

ears.  We are His instruments.  Go forth and spread God's word, He awaits

you in every man and woman you will encounter.  

Seek the Dawn.