Targetter (Dar Getter)

Targetter (Dar Getter) – Necrucifer’s most favoured servant

by Ibiza le Toad, Visionary of Necrucifer


Throughout the history of the ages, many have strived to serve Necrucifer. None have come as close at Targetter of Eclipse to deliver unto him the thing he wants most – domination of Algoron.

The seminal work of Eclipse is Saravhana d’Fale’s “Sunset Dawn”. While it is acknowledged that not all agree of the validity of the work, and much has passed into myth and legend, there are many truths within. The old loremaster of the crown, Sehvelarious Iolius of Knighthood has unwittingly done the research to critique and prove what is true and what is not, so it will be these two works are central to tell the legend of Dar Getter. Also used are some works from the Kayen and Eclipse libraries.

There are two variations of the Sunset Dawn, the one which was released to the libraries of Algoron, but what Shay and Malcom found in the archives of Eclipse before the Purist Wars was an edition by d’Fale which has key variations from that which was shown to the wider public. It is in this version that I chose to put my faith, that this is a secret version which contained more fact than fiction so that the wisdom of Eclipse could survive intact for those who were the favoured servants of Necrucifer.

As this true variation refers to Targetter as “Dar Getter” throughout, I will refer to him by this name.

Quotations are taken from the Sunset Dawn and other ancient texts.

Dar Getter’s Destiny

“It is written that, in the beginning, there was neither good, nor evil. Necrucifer spilt his blood into the seas so that all creatures could choose whether or not to be the pawn of someone else's destiny... Man is the measure of all things, and there are a great number of men who place our lord Necrucifer's values above those of his anti-thesis. Necrucifer lets men chose and create their own destiny, without limits.

This is the story of a man who did just that -- and nearly succeeded; a man known to the world only as Targetter of Eclipse.”

Dar Getter was no ordinary man. Even before he became a manatonic through the slaying of d’Astaroth he displayed examples of divine guidance from Necrucifer. Some might call this intuition, but the powers he held came from the divine. Necrucifer guided him to his destiny.

Some will say that it was fate that led to the initial meeting between Dar Getter and San Gohdam, but Necrucifer’s wisdom guided his favoured servants towards his goal of world domination – the actions of all his servants lead to this.

Necrucifer needed Gohdam to start his movement, based on the Knighthood of Serpantol as a firm basis for his power, and this figure of paragon of virtue and leadership served the vision well and many flocked to his banner. The aspirations that the Knighthood awoke in the people was exactly the tool which Necrucifer needed to create a comparable power capable of world domination. We know from the Sunset Dawn that Dar Getter rescued San Gohdam from hanging, but this is not true as we see from the critique. Knighthood splintered and Dar Getter followed Gohdam to Eclipse.

Dar Getter was the envoy who presented demand to Emperor of Serpantol, and was able to use his considerable skill to evade capture when the emperor demanded that he be seized. He would go on to fight beside Gohdam at the Battle of Serpantol.

Dar Getter exhibits a great many divine intuitions before he became manatonic. The insight which he receives is beyond any mortal man.. He was able to detect deeds of evil being committed from a distance, and the presence of cultists. His intuition tolds him that Gohdam had been murdered, which resulted in gathering those loyal to the Eclipse and fleeing the Sons of Malice. It was only when Dar slew d’Astaroth that he became manatonic, so it does not explain the divinity within his powers. Truly, he was chosen as a vessel of Necrucifer in order to see His Will done.

Dar Getter’s power beyond mortals

“His ability to read the minds of others grew slowly each day. He knew the movement of his enemies, he could see what others appeared to not be able to, move objects with his mind. It was bewildering to him, but he kept it a secret... He spoke of it only to Jobe, who told him of a portal that allowed access to a plane of ethereal dimensions.“

Dar Getter rebuilt Eclipse after the collapse following the murder of Gohdam. There is evidence of Dar’s divine channelling when he begins to read minds above what the powers of manatonism grants. His companion Jobe alludes to the direct connection to Necrucifer through ethereal dimensions.

Dar Getter’s design for Eclipse

“Peace. Unity. Power. Those who have the power now are dooming themselves...They would either have to be embraced, or fought off by the entire world. The world beyond warred with each other, but would resist the change Eclipse could bring for their benefit. It would have to be torn down, shattered, to be built back up in the image of darkness. Eclipse would be both the hammer, and the anvil, of the future.”

It is in this that defined the destiny of Eclipse, and what Shay Kayen and Malcom brought from the Eclipse Library to shape the Shadow Knights of Storm Keep.  Necrucifer’s plan for world domination last attempted by Eclipse built into the founding premises of Shadow. Dar Getter would lead the greatest attempt to conquer Algoron since Necrucifer himself. And it would be done according to Malcom’s yet unspoken Prophecy. In time it would become inevitable.

Eclipsian Policy for Domination

Though of different race, and though her name be not documented in any intact lore, the two reportedly fell in love, thus breaking the racist attitudes that Eclipse had still carried from its Serpantol days... and indeed, it seemed destiny for these two to join in love, as the future would soon reveal.

"It is truly God's work, Elsumzi," She spoke the dark elven word for lover, "We should have faith in it.. I have faith in you.. more than anything."

It was Dar Getter’s understanding of what would be required to deliver “Peace. Unity. Power.” which brought him so close to domination. He understood that in order to get Algoron to deliver Necrucifer’s prize, all would have to be able to sign up to it to take part. All races of evil intent could deliver the prize to Necrucifer, even those who were wavering neutrals. Dar would have to step outside the bounds of what he was given to achieve these ends.

Sah’Ron delivers

"I offer you a tool, for God is watching, and he approves of your cause, Targetter. " – Sah’Ron the demonlord. "Your peoples shall join in a great Alliance." And silence.

The minotaur was infuriated. With his bovine like head, and temperament of a bull, he snorted: "Why should the minotaur nations align with these weakling peoples?"

"The champions that are given to Eclipse's forces in the name of darkness shall receive God's blessing... Many times they shall be struck down, but shall rise again, and be immortal. Their flow shall never end, they shall be as a waterfall upon the world... as the night upon the sky. And the world shall tremble in their wake."

"Lord Sah'Ron, demon of Necrucifer... what would you have us do with the Horde..?" Targetter said. -Necrucifer will let you chose your own destiny, mortal.

Necrucifer saw what his most favoured servant had done, to open the membership of the Knights of Eclipse to all who might serve Him, and understood that this was the critical mass He would need to achieve His goal. He sent Sah’Ron to provide to Dar what he needed to meet his destiny. Necrucifer sent his children the ogres, and bent the minotaurs to his will to follow Dar in the Triple Alliance in the Dragonwars. 

Dar claims the Draconus

“ When the moons align in three months from this day, those known as the Conclave will be waiting for the barriers around a great relic to fall for a brief instant. You probably should be there to take it from them.- The temple faded, the dark plane again stretched before the three, out into oblivion, and Targetter gazed around in awe."

Shown the way to amass more power for Necrucifer’s attempt at domination, Dar ordered the raid on the Golden Citadel. He who controls the mighty firstborn will control Algoron – and the draconus was the key to their control. In the daring raid, Eclipse successfully secured the draconus whilst the mages of Conclave fled to preserve their own lives. Mere men could not have embarked on such a venture.

Dar was ready to launch his campaign.

The Dragonwars

"Sah'Ron had treated him almost too much like an equal...Legions of barbarians, possessed by Sah'Ron's power, were now at his command. But something was wrong... and Targetter couldn't place his finger on it, even though he knew it would lead to his downfall."

Dar could tell that something significant was coming to stop him. Had Kwainin not intervened, Algoron would already belong to Necrucifer.

In the battle, Dar used his powers to control armies with his mind and the armies of the Serpantol could not hope to organise themselves fast enough to match it. His dragons controlled by the draconus held the air above the field.

While the conventional story from Angelfire tells us that the dark elven woman was slain in the battle, and Dar fled the field to save her, the Eclipsian version is far more telling. Dar is slain in combat in a dragon battle, and his cause lost due to Kwainin’s intervention, and Serpantol’s breaking of his control of the dragons when the draconus was recovered. The failure to protect the draconus cost Eclipse total victory.

Although Necrucifer admits he has lost and withdraws his horde from Algoron, he has not finished with Dar Getter.

The Future

Dar could see the future. He could see a time when the darkness held control over the world, and he smiled to himself. It would never be within Kwainin's power to stop the right combination of men that might seize the world.

It might be that this was the key piece of information which Malcom found which lead to his prophesying. Is there a link between Dar Getter and Malcom drak’Martys? Very little is known of the origins of Malcom drak’Martys.

Return from the Abyss

"You see me as you see yourself, because in order to revive you, I have filled your veins with a single drop of my own blood. You are just that, Dar: a drop of my blood. You are my Avatar, now. Although your efforts lay in waste, your city in ruins, and your body lay dead at its center, your service to me is far from complete, nor shall it go unrewarded." 

Dar is reborn in the abyss by Necrucifer, so favoured that He rebuilds His most favoured servant with divine blood. Dar returns to those who led to his undoing and destroys them while reclaiming his dark elven lover. Dar vanishes from history at this point, but leaves it a demigod, with the blood of Necrucifer flowing through his veins. Necrucifer had marked him out for greater purpose, his most favoured servant.

"I am Necrucifer." He spoke levelly. (as he destroyed all his enemies around him)


Dar Getter is the most successful follower of Necrucifer ever, achieving more than any evil soul in history. Yet he foresaw that he would be unsuccessful in delivering the domination of Algoron to Necrucifer before it came to pass.

Importantly for Shadow, he foresaw a time when his vision would be delivered, and that it is this end which was also seen and prophesised by Malcom drak’Martys.

The Shadow Knights of Necrucifer are the natural heirs to Dark Knights of Eclipse, but have always been limited in their appeal to deliver their goal – world domination to Necrucifer because of adherence to tradition which they have been unwilling and unable to sacrifice for Singularity.

The means justify the ends, and the end is the Singularity.

Until Shadow can understand how to unlock power as Dar Getter once did, and earn the honor worthy of a hero, Necrucifer will bide His time for Algoron to be delivered to Him by one as worthy.

A hero who can amass such things equivalent to the recovery of the dracons and the rebuilding the draconus, as Eclipse once did to control the firstborn. Who can earn the attention of the demon horde. Who can appeal to not just the Knights of Necrucifer to follow him, but all Evil beings behind them.

Until Necrucifer sees in a Knight of Necrucifer the destiny powerful enough to deliver Algoron to Him, His Shadow Knights will not have proven their Singularity of purpose or Finality required to earned Necrucifer’s favour.

Long ago, Dar Getter showed us what it takes. Are there any within the Shadowknights of Necrucifer who will reach his plateau and ascend higher?