The Office of the Field Marshal

[ 84] Aeryc: The Office of the Field Marshal

Wed Nov  7 00:09:41 2012

To: Shadow Legion Reklah ( Imm Necrucifer RP )


Knights of Storm Keep,


The office of the Field Marshal stands vacant.  This role carries with it a

great history of notable men and women, and many of the most renowned of His

Chosen Knights have once held this office.  The expectations and privilege

that come with this title are second to no other sect within Storm Keep. 


I am interested in finding the most capable amongst you, His Chosen, to fill

this vacancy and assume the role of Field Marshal.  If you are interested in

service, then work with diligence to make yourself worthy of the position.


These are the expectations of the Field Marshal:


(1) Leadership: The Field Marshal will be expected to lead the formation of

His Chosen and the Horde regularly and with competence.  The Field Marshal

is the vessel through which God commands the field of battle; he must be

capable to serve in this manner.


(2) Knowledge: The Field Marshal is responsible for the training of his

subordinates in the art of combat and survival.  As such, he must possess

adequate knowledge in these subjects, so that he may foster the growth of

our rising Knights. 


(3) Discipline: The Field Marshal must be an exceptional role model for the

disciple he will inspire in his soldiers.  He must be subordinate to the

Will of God, as much as he is able to inspire his soldiers to be subordinate

to his word, as he acts as an agent of our Lord. 


If you are believe yourself capable to serve as Field Marshal, then leave

word with me of your interest, and begin grooming yourself to serve this



Aeryc Maelwaedd,

Chancellor of Storm Keep