The New World Order

The New World Order

What will the world look like after the Prophecy is fulfilled? Our

enemies would maintain it will be a world of darkness, of servitude,

a dystopian nightmare with no freedom, only slavery.  One of endless

suffering for the innocent, endless pain, and no joy.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

To begin with, the future they describe is little different from the 

present.  The innocent already suffer, there is too much bloodshed

now.  It is difficult to even conceive of a world with more

violence and chaos than Algoron has now.  We seek to bring order,

peace, prosperity, justice, equality, and unity.

Order.  The world is dark and shattered.  Bandits and beasts roam

the land, terrorizing the innocent. In the New World, this will be

no more.  The beasts will be kept at bay, the bandits will be

locked up.

Peace.  Endless wars and strife plague the lands.  Kingdom against

kingdom.  Empires rise and fall.  Needless bloodshed, and the

innocent farmer, sailor, merchant gets drafted and forced to fight

and die.

Prosperity.  Prosperity cannot flourish where there is war and

chaos.  The most basic services such as farming, forestry, mining,

are all disrupted by stife.  Once strife is gone, once we have 

peace and order, prosperity is sure to follow.

Justice.  Likewise, where new order flourishes, so too new justice

will grow.  Those who have complaint against their fellow being

will have that complaint dealt with in an orderly and efficient

process, available to all.

Equality.  When all are equal before God's law, we will no longer have

children starving on the street, mother's will no longer need to beg for

scraps to feed their babies.  Honest laborers willing to work will no longer

worry about if they will sleep another night on the street.  All who work

and follow God's Law will be taken care of by that Law.  

Unity.  No longer will nation take up arms against nation.  No

longer will fanatics fight each other in the street.  We will

be one Algoron, united under One God.

- Beydalar Yildiz

The Code of the New World Order


Unity is demanded by the Gods of Evil.  Feed your own desires at your peril,

for the wrath of Necrucifer is worse than death and not worth your own

personal gain.  


Punctuality is a habit to be formed by all those who call Necrucifer their

God.  It is the commitment to being prepared on a moment's notice to carry

out Necrucifer's orders.  


Obedience is something required of all within the New World Order.  It is

complete submission to any and all Necrucifer's demands and wants.  


Vigilance is the constant state of mind any servant of Necrucifer should

maintain.  It is the backbone of the Storm Keep's defenses, to watch for

foreign and domestic foes.  


Conformity is complete acceptance of all Necrucifer's beliefs and values. 

It is the lack of desire to succeed or surpass any person's accomplishments

or ideas.  


Efficiency is the prevention of any waste.  It applies to every function of

life, from food, energy, money, even lives.  


Silence is the need for all within the New World Order to not speak against

the New World Order.  It is essential for the stability and safety of



Diligence is the ability to seek out a goal and continue toward it.  It is

especially important to the armies of the Storm Keep to ensure victory.  

le Toad, Umbrian Mystic

Moral Laws of Virtue for the New World Order

The New World Order will require morality for society to function in a

lawful fashion.  As such, and not without a hint of irony, I have taken the

virtues of Gareth Keep and turned them to the purpose of the New World


Virtues by themselves are weak propositions, but applied within the law of

the New World Order, they will have meaning and define the way all live

under our peaceful and prosperous iron fist of control.  

Honesty: Do not lie, or you will lose your tongue.  

Compassion: Help those in need, or you will suffer the same need.  

Valor: Fight to the death if challenged, or you will be banished as a


Justice: Confess to your crime and suffer its just punishment, or you will

be put to death.  

Sacrifice: Donate half your income to the New World Order, or you will have

no income.  

Honor: If you lose your honor, you will take your own life.  

Spirituality: Enforce the laws of virtue, or you will die as a heretic.  

Humility: Humble yourself to your superiors, or you will suffer their wrath.

le Toad, Umbrian Mystic