Crelius Atennim

Crelius's imposing visage stares out over his dragonscale chestplate,

which, despite being rendered in marble, still holds a slight blue shimmer,

a testament that he was one of the few to wear the scales of the Storm,

Jormungander.  His left hand holds his blade towards his comrade, Ihsan, as

his gaze renders judgement on all who would walk past him to take up the

status of a Chosen Knight.

- Description in the Hall of Statuary

With a history as rich in accomplishment and as dark, Crelius is a foremost

runner of the Prophecy.  He was one of the only living men in history to

have served in the legendary halls of Gohdam's Eclipse, Shay's Shadow, and

even Targetter's Gaar Volen, There are no words, but I will try. 

Crelius is a hero unlike the men I spoke to you prior.  Their deeds were

forged in the Godfire of the field, and while Crelius was known for his

prowess from the early days on, his immortal nature lay in the forging of

men.  He was magnanimous and his gift was to see the great in men.  He is

responsible in part for most of the finest men in Storm Keep's history. 

His successes were far more than his failures over his lifetime, and he

learned from failure.  He helped found the Storm.  He has a past as a master

vampire, the only one who walked Algoron at that time.  There is his

staking, and his resurrection from the Abyss.  All things that defined his


He is one of the men in my past who inspired me truly, and I know that it is

not only me that has felt affected by him.  You have only to look around

you, and you will see Crelius's face, reflected in every mind paved with

God's intention.

- Reklah Kayen