The Shards of Seanan

by Que'Qui'Quod of the Gray Robes


General Information


The Shards of Seanan are a series of ancient artifacts, each imbued with a

fraction of cosmic power that dwarfs even that of the most powerful of

mortal spellcasters.  Eleven exist in total.  It is said that eight alone

are needed in order to perform a ritual which will move any one God from

their present location to another of the casters choosing.  Those who

follow Nadrik believe these shards can be used in such a ritual to save

their imprisoned God from his prison on the Black Moon.  We, however,

can also put them to good use by gathering them.  Both to keep Nadrik

imprisoned and, if enough are found, add other Gods of Good and Neutral

to his prison.


First Shard


Discovered by Centaurs on Tropica, who being a war-like and proud race,

decreed they would host a massive bloodbath to allow the strongest warrior

to claim the shard.  After a pitched battle, the forces of Darkness claimed

the shard.  No insight here, as it is clear that our strength and ruthless

aggression allowed us to prevail over the disorganized and weak opposing



Second Shard


The second shard was found in an orphanage that had fallen on hard times,

and its matron decreed that for it to be given away it would accept a

donation from either side who could raise the most jeweled eggs.  Through

various means and selfless sacrifice, the Darkness again prevailed, and by a

rather large margin.  The little urchins fed well, we claimed the shard, and

our enemy was found wanting.


Third Shard


Found by accident by fishermen interested in naval sports, the third shard was

fought over in a naval battle, five black ships against five white ships of equal

strength and dimensions, to ensure fairness that would not be found with our

regular vessels.  Our enemies sunk exactly one of the black ships, while we sunk

all five of theirs in a sweeping victory for the third shard.  Our organization

and hard training in nautical expertise was our edge this time, and served the

Darkness well.


Fourth Shard


I cannot find a record of who found the fourth shard anywhere I look, but what

is evident is that it led to a battle on the surface of the red moon itself.  Lack

of information regarding the number of orbs, as well as the nature of the guardians

(color coordinated for Good, Neutral, and Evil, but not required to be slain in

that manner), led to our efforts being largely wasted wearing them down, leaving

ourselves vulnerable to our enemies.  With superior numbers both of mortals and

dragons, we stood no chance of succeeding against them, but historical witnesses

may we gave them a considerable fight all the same before we were overwhelmed and

victory snatched from us.


Fifth Shard


Found by the long-reaching Del’Nichi corporation, it was used in a bid to re-

start the dying gambling industry with a Nexus Hold ‘Em tournament.  Ultimately,

a lucky substitution by our enemies claimed the shard.  Darkness failed to secure

this one.  As a personal witness to the play, I can surmise it may have been in

part due to unexpected and changing rules to the game itself, but also do to

lackluster enthusiasm on the part of His followers.  We must do better for the

next one.


Sixth Shard


Not yet discovered.  If it and the Seventh are gained by the Light, we will be

unable to use the shards to add another God to Nadrik’s predicament.