Ihsan Madaur

The story of Ihsan Madaur begins as a Paladin in Gareth Keep, described

as "tough" and "dependable" and quick with a sword.  When an insurgence of

Vampires began to crop up in Shalonesti, a debate ensued in the ranks of the

Knightood.  They questioned whether or not to charge in and risk killing innocents to rid the

Vallen of the undead, or to stay their hand in order to preserve the safety

of the many. Ihsan left the Keep, claiming the new leadership had wronged

him against his opinion in the matter.  Not long after, the shadows entered

his heart, and he joined Storm Keep as a rare Anti-Paladin, proving his

worth and becoming a Shadow Knight.  

Ihsan rose through the ranks to become Dark Lord, and was a capable leader

that inspired many, until he disappeared for a time - leading some to

speculate upon his death and morale to sink within the Keep.  He resurfaced

some time later, proving the rumors false and his spirit to be indomitable.

A statue of Ihsan Madaur now immortalizes him within the Keep in

the Hall of Statuary, describing his virtue:

Impassive of feature, the statue of Ihsan Madur gazes down upon those who

pass through the arch into the Shadow knight's domain, his blade also raised

to cross the tip of sword of the statue of Crelius.  Ihsan's shock of hair

streams behind him, and the tattered mark of Gareth on his shield reminds

any who view him that he was the first of the fallen paladins before his

time as a Chosen Knight. 

[compiled by Esquire Elaynah Montero]