The Precepts of Drakkara

As those of the Dark Pantheon set forth on a new path, let Her tenets be
known.  They will guide the new Night as we set out, united, to Extinguish
the Sun.


I.  The Prophecy and Vision of Darkness were born of the Black Moon.  She
is the Mother of its conception, the executor of its End, and all that has
come to pass has occurred by Her design.  Fear and Love Her, for She
eclipses all others.

Ii.  Give both praise and thanks for each Aspect of the unbroken tapestry of
Night, for this is the way to true power.  The paths in Shadow are many and
it is the Umbra that grants freedom of choice.

Iii.  The power of Darkness ebbs and flows like a great tide and will
consume those who cannot master themselves.  She demands reckless ambition
be tempered by the rigid discipline of purpose.

Iv.  Dark magic is the purest form of Power.  Strive for it always, protect
it jealously, and preserve it at all costs, for the power of the Black Moon
is poised to reshape Algoron.

V.  By both Word and Deed will Her Sons and servants spread the honored
truths of Darkness.  Together will they swell the power of Her Moon until
all of Algoron is consumed by its glow.

Vi.  Above all things, none holds more importance than the Vision.  The
flesh will perish but the Vision is eternal, for there is no Light that
Darkness cannot extinguish.

Vii.  Within the Infinite Night, everything.

Abbott Telthian Schwartz
Dark Lord of Storm

Abbott Symantha Kesepton
Chancellor of Storm