A Journey through Purism

I have not previously written upon the established concept of purism within Storm Keep, as I disagree with the intention of the founders' veneration of San Gohdam and have argued against this interpretation

Long have the thoughts upon the Purism of the Shadowknights of Necrucifer been guided by the founders of Shadow. That because Serpantol was a human-only order of knights, that Eclipse ought to be the same. Necrucifer never championed Kwainin's human creation, although He did grant these singularly driven Shadowknights His mandate to form a new order of knighthood, that He could use to match the might of Gareth Keep. Not because they were human, but because of their Singularity of His purpose.

What follows is a number of points which will lead to my conclusion on Shadow's purism.

Ibiza le Toad

Kwainin's Creation

Long ago in the Age of Creation, Austinian created elves, Kwainin created humans and Necrucifer created ogres. Upon the Fall from Grace, these three fell out of favor with their creators, and several sublevels of these races were created, with none more favored than another.

Serpantol's human roots

The principles of knighthood were born in Serpantol to Knighthood. Under San Gohdam, Necrucifer bore His opportunity to steal this powerful military entity from His hated brother Austinian, and bind them to His own cause. In this He was partially successful. He did not steal the whole order from Serpantol, but created a powerful splinter faction, the Knights of Eclipse. At this point in history, only humans had mastered the discipline required to hold militarism foremost in their thoughts. Shortly after the conquest of Serpantol by the yinnish empire of dae'Tok, this knowledge became widely available to into all races and cultures on Algoron. Every kingdom in Algoron now has these military divisions.

The Dragonwars

San Gohdam was slain early in the Dragonwars by his own men. Although he delivered Eclipse to Necrucifer, Gohdam was incapable of controlling the Sons of Malice who ended up destroying him. The true hero of Eclipse is Targetter (also known as Dar Getter) who took the few remaining knights loyal to the Higher Evil of Eclipse, when most followed the Lower Evil and joined with the Sons of Malice. 

Targetter reforged Eclipse from Necrucifer's shining purpose and turned it into a power which dwarfed the accomplishments of San Gohdam. Targetter had the vision to create an organization which could take over Algoron, so that it might be gifted to Necrucifer. It was Targetter who showed the leadership required to bring not only Gohdam's followers, but all that followed in the way of Necrucifer. As a calculated risk he accepted those who were of Kwainin, as he feared his numbers would not be sufficient for world domination. Neutrality would be willingly 'used' to deliver world domination to Necrucifer. 

The Might of Eclipse increased hugely when the demon Sah'ron demanded unity of Necrucifer's new champion of evil, Eclipse with His creation the ogres, and the minotaurs. It was Targetter's leadership that bound the destinies of Eclipse, ogre and minotaur together under the militaristic control of Eclipse.

It was Targetter's planning and direction which brought the might of dragonkind behind the armies of the Dark Alliance with the acquisition of the Draconus. None could withstand Eclipse and world domination was in Necrucifer's grasp.

The rest is consigned to history. The Gray Robes failed Targetter by failing to protect their most potent weapon - the Draconus, and this lapse cost Necrucifer all of Algoron. All that would not bow down would have been destroyed. This is the failure Shadow seeks to remedy. 

The Rise of Shadow

"Most importantly, they learned that San Godham had never intended for the Eclipse to accept any race other than humans. It was Targetter who had made this change, among others, after the Dark Knight's death." - Shay Kayen's history of Shadow.

As we see from the history of the Dark Alliance in the Dragonwars, I believe the founders of Shadow have embraced the wrong hero. 

San Gohdam succeeded in only one thing, a break from Serpantol. It is written that Gohdam was inspiring and courageous but he was not politically inclined which doomed his bid for greatness. He fell at the first hurdle.

Compare that with the accomplishments of Targetter listed above from the Dragonwars. There are too many to repeat. One step removed from world domination.

The founders of Shadow, venerated leaders - Shay Kayen, Ishamael Rinji and Malcom drak'Martys - understood the cause of Gohdam, militaristic knights and the prowess they held in battle over rabble. But the world has moved on. All organisations have a military now. Purism in the antiquated and traditional sense, that they be Kwainin's human creation is only a relic of a long dead empire. If anyone is Necrucifer's heir then it is His creation, the ogres. But Necrucifer saw the sense of broadening His appeal to move away from his heirs of creation, to embrace a larger following in order to reach His goal.

Ogre, human, minotaur or dragon. It makes no difference. It is only their ability to add to the Singularity and the Finality which counts.

Shadow has something much stronger than racial purism which only seeks to divide Necrucifier's marshaled forces. Purism encompasses the Prophecy, the Singularity and Finality.

The Prophecy of Malcom drak'Martys

We are single minded in our purpose - to follow the Singularity of the Prophecy and complete the world domination which Eclipse started, so we can gift Algoron to Necrucifer under our New World Order

What do the Shadowknights of Necrucifer need to do to be sincere to their concept of purism, to be singular in their purpose of world domination?

What is Purism?

Purism is the adherence to the Singularity of the Prophecy. To let nothing get in the way of our final goal of Finality. As with all things, all are reduced to one thing prophesized by Malcom drak'Martys a long time ago.

Ibiza le Toad, Umbrian Mystic and visionary of Necrucifer.