The Black Winds of The Umbra

| From: Rochford

| To:  Ibiza Salainn

| Subject: The Black Winds and the Umbra - Part 1

| Date: Mon Jan  2 13:11:59 2012

The Black Winds are a physical manifestation of His desire on this

material plane.  It visits those of staunch faith, delivering unto them

knowledge or a command, sometimes literal and frank, and other times obscure

and shrouded. 

Only a small few have been graced by the presence of the Black Winds.  It is

a force that moves above and beneath men, through them, and transcends the

plane of this world, imparting wisdom from the next. 

The Black Winds are known to come in different forms.  Sometimes a faint

whisper in your ear and other times, a resounding command or decree.  The

voices appear, carried, as it is named, upon the Black Winds. 

If His Knights are the vessel and hand to do His work upon this world, then

it is the voices of the Black Winds that impart the knowledge and wisdom

unto them so that they may show others the way, His Way.  And as such, His


Rochford the Black

| From: Rochford

| To:  Ibiza Samcro ( Necrucifer )

| Subject: The Black Winds and the Umbra - Part 2

| Date: Mon Jan  2 14:06:19 2012

The Umbra, not unlike the voices of the Black Winds, is a force that

moves beneath men, and beneath worlds.  It is both a place, and a

manifestation of power, where those of the mortal plane may tap into and

extract the prowess of what becomes when God and earth collide. 

As research continues into the parallels between the Umbra and the Black

Winds, it is quickly becoming known to us that it is by virtue of the Black

Winds that this knowledge was made aware and carried to us, so that we may

learn and build upon the foundations of what has been laid out before us.

With the possession of the Book of Shadows, we were able to translate the

words of the Otherworld written therein, and only now truly begin to fathom

the powerful artforms that exist within it's pages. 

This artform proves that the prowess of mana can be manipulated independent

from the clutches of the antiquated clavists, and unique to their source,

ours being Necrucifer Himself, inspired and empowered by His desires unto us

through the voice of the Black Winds. 

The challenge now requires the further critical analysis of the text, and

the interpretation of their meanings.  The text is an artifact of great

power, and is difficult to interpret their meaning unto this world, for much

of it, if not all of it, was not written of this world, but the Underworld,

and the Abyss. 

Applying the laws of the abyss unto the laws of Algoron, that is the

challenge, and our current task, however we now have a name for this power,

and it's name is Umbra. 

Even now, I, and those at my side throughout this research have been

successful at manifesting many things from the spellbook, and tapping into

previously unfathomable sources of magic.  We have successfully opened a

rift into the Umbra, and while we have not yet been able to fully invoke and

control the creatures that exist beyond the rift, we feel as though we are

close to succeeding. 

One side effect of the rift that had been discovered was the creation of a

powerful energy vacuum.  We've been exploring the results of this finding

and found it possible to channel a vacuum so great, that not even magic

could evade its grasp, effectively sealing the use of magic within a small

proximity of the caster. 

These discoveries of manipulation, and hopefully many more like them will

continue to be documented and explored until a time where we are able to

fully grasp the power of the Umbra, and by extension, the powerful Gifts of

Necrucifer Himself. 

Rochford the Black


[128] Rochford: The Black Winds

Sun Jan  8 17:37:12 2012

To: Ibiza Samcro Elaynah


I spoke with Jormungander, and visited his lair.  He spoke of everything

about the Black Winds, and his answer was simple: It is the bond between

certain people.  Between certain things.  The name he spoke of and did not

tell us is 'bond'.  Our search for answers from Jormungander come to an end,

regarding this research, however it has now opened up questions about myself

that I cannot answer, and neither could he. 

He says I am a danger to myself, and others.  I will have to think on this

for some time, and in the meantime, I will be working on our Cauldron, and

how we may bond the powers of the Umbra with other things, and other people.

The bond is the secret. 

The bond is the secret to all of this.  To unlocking the powers of the


Rochford the Black