The Brotherhood Principle

by Reklah Kayen

In order to achieve Unity, we must possess Brotherhood - the achievement of

honoring and respecting one another, and a kinship with each other that will

never fall prey to Man and the dark sins that belie him. 

Many of the virtues that Gohdam and Shay saw in Gareth are applied here at

the alpha stage.  Both Gareth and Storm uphold honor, justice, and Law.

Storm Keep does it as a means, and Gareth as the end. 

In Nadrik, Honor is bred of His soldiers as the end itself.  In Necrucifer,

we may utilize Honor as an effective tool with which to keep our men pure of

intent and focused on no less than the Prophecy fulfilled.  This makes us no

less honorable.  Our calling is God, in which every morality is found. 

In our Lord Necrucifer, both Gohdam and Kayen found a higher purpose, but in

order to establish a knighthood to portend His coming through Unity and then

Finality, we must uphold a Purist morality.

The Brotherhood principle is the first of three.  We uphold the Law justly

and respect, honor and love the same as other men. As in the Shay outline

near the Purist revolution, we defend those weaker than

ourselves so that they might grow strong and serve Him.


Certain laws have set the frontier, like Gohdam's early laws, or later, His

Will and His Way, which extols honor as a chief virtue. 


The primary purpose of Brotherhood is to abolish the seed of perfidy

manifested in Man.  The same seed which brought about Gaar Volen and the

other renegades who fought only for self-interest and glory of self.  Storm

Keep aspires to a higher morality - those riches found in spiritual

servitude and camaraderie among men. 


This paves the path to Unity.  No less than one World, one People, United to

bring about Finality upon Algoron in His name.