The Order of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer

Aeryc: The Order of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer

To: all Shadow Verminasia ( imm religion rp necrucifer )



Many of you do not know the purpose of our Order, and the rest mistake it

for something that it is not.  Take this as a reminder of why we stand

amongst you. 

We exist for your salvation. 

The ultimate goal of the Order of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer is to

erect an ordered world.  Justice, integrity, and iron law will reach to the

corners of every continent.  None will again go without food, none will be

without shelter, and none need live in fear or want for more. 

As mortals, our bodies are too fragile and our minds too weak to make this

dream manifest.  We must defer to the only one who can end the struggles of

this failing world, quell its death throes, and prevent innocents who are

made to fight and die each day. 

Only through the power of Necrucifer can this world be saved. 

We are a brotherhood of men and women who have dedicated our lives and our

very souls to this cause.  We work to prepare the world for the reign of

Necrucifer, and make it ready to one day be restored. 


Aeryc Maelwaedd

Chancellor of Storm Keep