The Sunset Dawn: Book Two - Honor in Brotherhood


It is written that, in the beginning, there was neither good, nor evil. Necrucifer spilt his blood into the seas so that all creatures could choose whether or not to be the pawn of someone else's destiny. Whether or not the gods were petty is irrelevant, but it must be recognized that the concept of evil is and was a judgmental term based on perspective. Though admittedly, some of the beliefs of the Sons of Darkness contradict with those of Austinian's Children, who is to say which is wrong? Man is the measure of all things, and there are a great number of men who place our lord Necrucifer's values above those of his anti-thesis. Necrucifer lets men chose and create their own destiny, without limits.

This is the story of a man who did just that -- and nearly succeeded; a man known to the world only as Targetter of Eclipse. Saravhana d'Fale presents the reworked edition of: Honor in Brotherhood Book Two of the Three Part Series: The Sunset Dawn

Chapter One: The World Battles the Sons of Malice

The days after San Gohdam's brutal murder turned to months, and turned to years. The wars versus the sons of Malice were grim and brutally took their toll on the world's morale and time. Yet there was peace in the town of Verminasia, and the people flocked to it over the times. Soon, there was expansion. The city flourished. There were few problems here. The populace was kept in line through respect or fear, whichever applied to the individual. No crime. No violence. Folk lore says even  that the streets where paved with gold and silver, and no man dared disturb that harmony. All this appeared to have been made possible by the small order of knights who had taken up residence and service here in Verminasia: Eclipse.

Slowly, the knights of Eclipse grew again in prestige and affluence in the lands. They represented evil, but were decidedly different than Malice. The people could not compare these two evils easily. There appeared to be codes of honor and mercy that they followed. The city they had helped erect proved that their cause was true, that they worked towards a purpose, and an end that justified the means. Even the knights of Gareth began to respect them for the heart and compassion, for the vision that they fought to achieve. It was a sick respect though, the kind that one gives a lame wolf. Harmless: yet determined.

The world fought Malice, and though the rest of Eclipse hated their once-brothers, now heartless scum, the Highlord let them play to their advantage. Eclipse did not become involved in any war against Malice, as the longer the real enemy, Knighthood, fought, they would not grow nor heal as fast as Eclipse could. Since his friend, and the man who had inspired him from the streets of Serpantol to where he was now, had been murdered, the swarthy man named Targetter had become more in touch with his darker, solemn side. He felt.. empty.. and it was long before Targetter knew exactly what he wanted. When he sat alone, quietly in his quarters, staring at the map of the known world for hours, he thought of nothing. He just stared solemnly, blinked slowly, breathed lightly and occasionally sighed. When the sorcerer, Jobe, or the dark knight Jaymes, disturbed him, there would be something about it that felt uncanny, and dark..

"Lord Targetter?" Jaymes asked from the doorway, waiting a moment, early one morning. Targetter had not slept all night. He stared at the map.

"Yes?" Targetter said idly, tracing a finger across the continents. Was it time to begin their legacy anew? As if in answer to his mind, Jobi spoke.

"It is time, my lord."

Chapter Two: From the Eyes of a Girl

It was early evening before we heard the galloping hooves in the distance. Father had just come in from his council meeting, the town councilmen were discussing certain issues since the harvest had been finished. King Grant, lord of the the nearby kingdom of Verminasia, had imposed a 10% tax upon all earnings, and the townsmen did not like, nor consider themselves a part of his kingdom. Father told mother that he was a weak ruler, concearned not with the surrounding towns, only with hisself. Brother didn't agree, he had always thought the King left us alone if we did nothing wrong, but I wasn't sure. "This town is subject to draft! Resistance will not be tolerated!" a man cried from out in the street. There were shouts outside as the men got their spears and some, who were rich enough to buy swords, had those.

Father went out too, and Brother stayed to guard us and the house, while I went upstairs to look out my window. They had slowed, it was quite an impressive army of soldiers and they were led by three men, one in a dark great cloak with a strange crest on the back. Other officers, all mounted, bore a sun being eclipsed by a moon on their cloaks. Some of the townsmen started to fight, others threw down their weapons and either ran or simply sat down.

It was very unusual, for the ones who sat were left alone. There was a crash downstairs and I ran to see what it was. The door was strewn open, and my brother knelt, sword pointed down to the ground and head bowed. One of the knights had come in with a small escort. He had various badges of honor, and his cloak bore a skull and his chest a skull pendant.

"Please my lords, do not hurt my father's wife or daughters." My brother said.

"We've not come to hurt them, nor hurt any of you, really, though some resistance was expected. You and your father are being drafted." As were all the townsmen, we soon found out. The small army left almost as soon as it had come, taking only what it needed, and all the men who were to be found who were of age. Young boys and old men stayed, as did all the women and girls, with enough of the harvest left to last the winter. They left, in the center of town, where the flagpole for Verminasia was supposed to be (but never had been in a long time), a different banner. Black as sack-sloth with red-lining, gold letters proclaimed the message in the center: -Te Occidere Possunt Sed Te Edere Non Possunt Nefas Est- My mother had told stories of her grandmother, who lived in the time of San Gohdam, and I remember from those stories how it happened, how it started. It happened and started like this. And the symbol of the black moon aligning with the sun gave it all away. I knew that Father and Brother had been drafted by Eclipse, and that the Knights of Old had returned at last. And who should stand in their path?

Chapter Three: A Vision of Things to Come

Eventually, it was well known that when the scouts of Eclipse were sighted, it was better to just open the gates and let them in, for they would leave most everything alone. Week by week, the raids and tactical seizing of resources grew more extensive. Each time out, Targetter developed a closer kinship to his peers, especially the sorcerer, Jobe, and Jaymes. They would hunt together in the forests for food, gamble, play cards and arm wrestle.

These were good times, and Targetter laughed for the first time and not the last in what seemed to be many years since his one friend, San, was killed. His ability to read the minds of others grew slowly each day. He knew the movement of his enemies, he could see what others appeared to not be able to, move objects with his mind. It was bewildering to him, but he kept it a secret. He suspected that this was what the Cultists did, and did not wish to accept that his mind was becoming like theirs. He was not like them, any of them. He spoke of it only to Jobe, who told him of a portal that allowed access to a plane of ethereal dimensions.

Targetter was close to his friends, and his morale was high with them. But he was still empty. San Gohdam was dead, and Targetter knew not how to continue his legacy. How to do the man more honor than ever before? Each night Targetter stared for a few hours at the map of the known world. It would be soon, now, when the time of resistance against them would be organized. Most had forgotten the Eclipse, instead, remembered the Cultists and the Sons of Malice. Each time he closed his eyes and placed both hands upon the map. In lore, and recorded history, Targetter's motives were unclear, thus, it is presumed that at this point, he had none. But he did spend long hours.. staring at his map of the world. -To reshape it in His image. Harmony between all.

Peace. Unity. Power. Those who have the power now are dooming themselves. They will be food for the dogs.- He spoke of the Yinn, who were an ever present threat, looming over the horizon. They would either have to be embraced, or fought off by the entire world. The world beyond warred with each other, but would resist the change Eclipse could bring for their benefit. It would have to be torn down, shattered, to be built back up in the image of darkness. Eclipse would be both the hammer, and the anvil, of the future.

Reaching for his mug of water on his desk, he knocked a candle onto the map, splashing the wax and sparks in various paterns. Targetter stared, enthralled. Slowly, starting from the tower of Conclave, the ring of fire spread throughout the lands. The ashes from the slowly burning page rose into the air above it, swirling, flying, diving like massive -- in comparison to the map -- flaming birds over the land. The small fire burnt itself out  before it reached the northlands, the Ogre and Minotaur nations.

Targetter gaped, wide eyed as the swooping ashes fell slowly away. Underneath the burnt portion of the map, where the wax had protected the table from being blackened, Targetter swore that he could make out something significant. Someone had sent him a sign as plain as day, and he did not intend to disregard this mysterious advice. He grabbed his half-sword's scabbard and left his quarters. On the desk, still lay the symbol of his vision: An arrow pointing straight north.

Chapter Four: Like His Blood Into the Rivers

Within the day, Targetter was riding hard to the north, with minimal escort. The army was behind, on the move, travelling considerably slower, and the supply wagon-lines slower still. The swarthy Highlord felt driven though, pulled by some inexplicable force, and he could not wait. It seemed as if the gods themselves were with him, for nothin lay within his path that could stop his ride. He could tell that he was creating destiny with each passing mile, and it felt good to him.

With their leader was the Conclave renegade, Jobe, (note that at this point in history, the Tower had no colored Orders) his companions Lokgrim and the subservient Jaymes. Among others, was an exotic dark-skinned elven woman, rumored to have been a descendant of Spellath the Dark. She was of House Ka'tath, in Shalonesti. Targetter was admittedly infatuated with her mysterious grace, and her alluring mind. She then, fell in love with his vision and drive, the passion for which he thrust forward destiny, wrestled with fate and time for the memory of those he cared for.

Though of different race, and though her name be not documented in any intact lore, the two reportedly fell in love, thus breaking the racist attitudes that Eclipse had still carried from it's Serpantol days... and indeed, it seemed destiny for these two to join in love, as the future would soon reveal.

Targetter's Away party sailed in the fastest ship across the northern seas towards Icewall. Jaymes preached to his companions that God (Necrucifer) was with Targetter, that the Highlord had vision, that they would find the key to the world. He often spoke of Targetter in the third person, even in his presence, but the latter let this be. Though he did not know what he would find, it was better for his friends to think he did, rather than admit to this rash behavior, compulsive whim... his 'hunch'. He was sure that it was these mind-powers, this manatonisism, that he had been developing that led his way... almost positive.

In fact, as Targetter and Verra (being the name I have given to this dark-elven woman who has been lost in the depths of time -- author) grew more and more a part of one another, he supposedly confided in her a lot. One morning, in the cold wastes of Icewall, the following is said to have been discussed, and was written in Jobe's journals.

"Do you think that we are near what we seek, m'Lord?" the beautiful dark elf asked.

"My love... in truth, I do not know. My intuition tells me that it is here, that I will find it, while my mind is screaming that the very idea is insane. It does not tell me where, nor when, nor why, nor how... I just... -know- that I shall find something. I feel ashamed, I pray that I am not losing my mind."

"Targetter, do not say such things.." "But-"

"It is truly God's work, Elsumzi," She spoke the dark elven word for lover, "We should have faith in it.. I have faith in you.. more than anything." And for a long time they embraced before going to the shelter of the ten-person tent which housed the Away party from these harsh lands of snow.

Chapter Five: Untitled

The small group of Knights did not know how long it had been since the wandered through the wastes, but one windy day, as the powdery snow ceased momentarily, ahead in the distance rose tremendous stones into the sky, covered partially in snow and ice. As they moved forward slowly across the miles, these massive stones proved to be many spans taller than any human, and yet, they stood up right, and on top of each other in complex arrangements and balances. Giants of enormous size lumbered about. They were seemingly peaceful, but walked about in grey robes and decidedly nasty looking spears, clubs and heavy bone scimitars.

"Who are these people?" Jaymes asked.

"I do not know for sure.. they seem like Ogres, and yet, they don't appear to be acting the same.." Targetter mused. "We shall find their leader."

Their search led them to the center of the massive ice- covered ring of stones, though a maze of smaller ruins and rubble. A male ogre, young by his looks, was dressed in a light suit of armor and a heavy, black cloak which looked good shelter against the winds and snow.

"I am Oblisk." He said simply, he motioned to the formation on the ground nearby. A circle of stones, a foot each in diameter.

"I am Highlord Targetter of Eclipse. We have come fo-"

"I need not know. But we have been waiting."

"I don't understand."

"He can show you.. simply step into the circle.." The ogre entered the circle first, and when Targetter joined him, the last thing he saw before all went black was Jaymes draw his sword and Verra scream, throwing hand hand towards him.

Chapter Six: Servants of Darkness

Targetter's eyes opened from his sleep and he was up, sword slapped from his hand no sooner than it had been drawn, he was sent hurtling backwards into... what? Into darkness. The form of this 'Oblisk' stood before him, as if in full light, as did the stone altar nearby, but for miles around stretched darkness. Up was darkness, and they stood on darkness. With them, was a minotaur of great stature, who looked like a barbarian, though Targetter was sure that he too could manipulate things with his mind.

"Where is this place?" Targetter demanded.

"It is the abyss. This is why you came here."

There was a chill feeling now. Targetter glanced around in apprehension and a trace of fear shadowed him as the blackness around pressed in further. Something was coming towards them. Pillars of basalt seem to rise from the darkness, creating rows on each side of the massive, infinite space, constricting it. The floor seemed to smoothen out into marble, as the place turned into a small temple. The altar of stone grew, twisted, into a thing of fearsome beauty, which commanded worship.

"What is here with us... God? Necrucifer?" Targetter asked hesitantly. Oblisk rumbled deeply with a chuckle. Targetter could tell somehow he was masking his own fear. But he did it well.

"Greetings Targetter of Eclipse." Came a voice from all directions. Targetter yelped, unable to stop himself. The minotaur's eyes were wide and his jaws and fists clenched. The Ogre's smile faded. "Each of you have been brought here today for my own benefit." The voice grated in an omniscient growl.

"I am Sah'Ron. I serve the darkness, as you do. But I am greater than mortals such as yourself. My favor with our God allows me to seal a pact between us."

"What pact..?" Targetter peeped. The reply was as harsh and cold as the wastes they had been in beforehand.

"By serving your own interests, you also serve mine. Let it remain at that. I offer you a tool, for God is watching, and he approves of your cause, Targetter. Extend your hands to the altar." And to their surprise, though it seemed for some reason that they had done so of their own choice, they all placed their hands upon the altar.

The faceless voice intoned an incantation in some language so ancient, that no living mortal's ancestors could have translated. Then, "Your peoples shall join in a great Alliance." And silence. The minotaur was infuriated. With his bovine like head, and temperment of a bull, he snorted: "Why should the minotaur nations align with these weakling peoples?"

"The champions that are given to Eclipse's forces in the name of darkness shall receive God's blessing. In numbers they will be strong, and rage across the lands with the force of a tsunami. Many times they shall be struck down, but shall rise again, and be immortal. Their flow shall never end, they shall be as a waterfall upon the world... as the night upon the sky. And the world shall tremble in their wake. They shall be a demon horde, and both Raije and Mencius shall ride them."

"Lord Sah'Ron, demon of Necrucifer... what would you have us do with the Horde..?" Targetter said. -Necrucifer will let you chose your own destiny, mortal. But know this: When the moons align in three months from this day, those known as the Conclave will be waiting for the barriers around a great relic to fall for a brief instant. You probably should be there to take it from them.- The temple faded, the dark plane again stretched before the three, out into oblivion, and Targetter gazed around in awe.

And then he lay in the snow, alone. He felt unclean, and he did not trust even himself. A lingering feeling hung in the air. Sah'Ron had treated him almost too much like an equal, but his complacency was somehow unable to be hidden from Targetter. Legions of barbarians, possessed by Sah'Ron's power, were now at his command. But something was wrong... and Targetter couldn't place his finger on it, even though he knew it would lead to his downfall.

Chapter Seven: A Legacy Renewed

Targetter supposedly talked to no one of his time in the abyss. It is known though, that he confided once again with Verra, and consulted Jobe regarding the Clavists. From Jobe's entries was the following: Day of Deception, Month of Mencius' Wrath. Lord Targetter questioned me thoroughly on the tower, from which I deserted, this day. He wished to know what the Conclave could be up to once the moons aligned, in just under three months from now. I told him that to the best of my knowledge they intended to take from it's mystical prison an object of which all knowledge has passed on long ago. The questions that still remain: What does Conclave intend to do with this object? And why, if not dangerous, is this object in a magical prison anyhow?

Targetter seems intrigued, and I even find myself anxious about what shall come of it. Conclave is known for it's meddling with the works of gods, they twisted the ogre people and brought about the Ogre Wars.. but now they serve our future interests, supposedly. I know not what was talked about with Sah'Ron. I know only that the minotaur and ogre peoples have what is being called the 'Dark Alliance' with Eclipse, and that a horde of fearsome champions from each nation has been allotted for our use and disposal.

There is strange magic in the air, magic that I dread to explain. Those within the Horde are soon immersed in and consumed by some kind of spirit, which aids them in the frenzy of battle. They are a culture all to themselves. The party headed south once again, with the ogre, Oblisk, the minotaur, Barak, and the horde of barbarians at their backs. They met their armies on the northern shores of the southern continent. Home. All of it.