Beydalar Yildiz

Born to a Courtesan in New Thalos, Beydalar Yildiz had a troubled life

growing up.  His mother cared for him, but had no money for schooling, and

so he was a kept boy working in the brothel that she lived in.  He lived

this way for some time, until he was nearly nine years old when his mother

was found dead, a symptom of the lifestyle he'd grown up in.  

Shortly after that, a young boy was put out of the brothel, being of no

further use to the owners.  It was then he turned to a life of pure

survival, living as a misbegotten youth getting by on theft and crime to see

himself through.  

At 17 with many poor habits in tow, he became a Mercenary while living in

Arkane, but the pay was bad, and the action too infrequent, he found himself

finally walking the path of the Loners that wander Algoron, searching for

battles.  It was then he would begin to see the world as it was.  Constantly

pursued by the Wrath of Justice, without explanation, and always being

hunted he grew angry at the hypocrisy of the light.  

In search of answers, he sought out Jalm Kato, during his tenure as

Chancellor.  Jalm then instructed the young man in the ways of our faith and

Beydalar found in this a purpose that had eluded him much of his life.  He

was a convert, and Lanival Illithi ushered him into Storm Keep when he was


He trained hard, and began his career in the Legion, becoming a Novice of

the Legion and intending to remain a Legionnaire for his life in Storm. 

However fate had other plans for the Soldier, for the Lord Templar Xuerin

began to speak to him on faith more and more.  Beydalar decided he would

need to join the Templar, and served the Templar in matters of faith, under

the tutelage of Ardias Kayen his Warder.  

Beydalar quickly achieved Knighthood through his skill and determination,

and when the warder stepped down to serve in foreign wars, Beydalar was

chosen as the Templar Ward to replace his predecessor.  

Though this was a time of strife for Storm Keep, a time when attendance was

low and many knights were called away.  As the leadership waned, it fell to

men of resolve to replace them.  The weight of Chancellor was placed upon

the Warder's shoulders.  

Though he feared originally it may be a burden he was ill prepared for, he

flourished and with the help of others worked Storm Keep into a new golden

age of diligence and service.  His entrance to the Sanctum was celebrated by

many as the dawning of a new era.  He is truly one of the Heroes of Storm


- Ardias Kayen