Germane Gourds

Gourds include the life blood of Necrucifer. So has the Umbra shown us the way. You can find more information on this field in the Cauldron Compendium and Recipes and Reagents.

The Germane Gourds shows the classifications of types of gourds you ought to be using in the field, and shows which are brewable and which are useful.

Storm Keep has long been a sanctuary of knowledge for warlocks, witches and shadowmages in the Gray Robes over the ages. Study each classification type of spell so that you might better understand when to use them.

le Toad

Using Gourds

There are three main ways a warlock or witch can use a gourd. Shadowmages cannot apply gourds. - le Toad

Quaff - Spell affects quaffing targets as if you had cast the spell on yourself (with gourd level instead of your own) ie you quaff buffs eg barkskin

Apply - Spell affects item target (with gourd level instead of your own) ie you apply to items eg enchant weapon

Toss - Spell affects tossed target as if they had cast the spell themselves (with gourd level instead of your own) ie you toss group breakers eg chain lightning

The Staples

These are the gourds you ought to carry come what may. You will need other gourds for specialist situations. - le Toad

Slow - Most useful against hitters who don't cast haste at level.Waiting for a failed stun can land two slows in a row and seriously impair your enemy

Withstand death - Keep them quaffed and in your affects. Can be quaffed in or out of combat. Good form to break combat first before you quaff another.

Chain lightning - Breaking groups is key to the role of a brewer in combat. Identify who is leading the group by who enters the room first and toss on them

Teleport - Useful for removing enemies you do not want to face, or for evening the odds.

Frog - My favourite gourd for 1v1. Frogging an enemy gives them a two round head start, then the hunt and the chase is on. Echos are great. Kissing is for girls.

Cause fatality - Mostly for a SMG as a warlock should be tossing stakes. SMG should use these as staple against neutral and evil enemies

Imbue - Improve casting level, quaff just before engagement

Shadowform - For hunting during the hours of darkness, non-detect

Cones - For dropping max damage to multiple targets eg group PK or Keep combat

Mirror image - Can be used to evade, or a good opportunity to do some damage while enemy is taking out images


A brewer has many options. This includes all the different types of gourds which can be manipulated in different ways to do different things in different situations.

Below is a list of useful gourds, which show those that may be brewed and their purpose for certain eventualities.

Brewable Gourds

This is the list of brewable spells, with their use, and then cross-referenced to the classification above - le Toad.

Germane Gourds

I am aging fast and this will be one of my final contributions to the Keep.

Ibiza le Toad