Jazaren Maltese - Enters the Sanctum

Crelius clans 'All knights report to the halls of Statuary. '

The Hall of Statuary

  A few scars still show of the rigorous combat that used to fill this room.  The floor is polished and smooth, free of prior scuffs, and while here and there a gouge in the wall was too deep to be removed, such marks are uncommon.  The walls and floor are the same stark, smooth black marble as the rest of the Keep.  However, this room is more well-lit than most - a huge crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and a number of candelabras are spread throughout.  The focus of this room, of course, is the number of memorials that fill it, from the statues lining the walls to a pair of paintings, as well as an enormous cenotaph at the center of the room.  

 [Exits: north south  ]

     Various memorials fill this room, a large cenotaph in the center. 

Crelius nods to those gathered, and takes a moment to observe the cenotaph with unhidden reverence, gripping a manacled libram at his waist. 

Crelius fixes his gaze upon its newest yet no less venerable addition. 

Crelius looks at Lanival.

Crelius says (to Lanival Illithi) 'Begin this. '

Lanival bows his head towards Crelius.

Crelius takes a step back, placing himself between the arced blades of the statues of Ihsan Madaur and himself. 

Lanival says 'We have assembled for a holy purpose.'

Lanival says 'This order does not bestow its highest honor lightly.'

Lanival says 'Indeed, our trials of proof are the most difficult in the world.  Bar none.'

Lanival says 'But these trials would ultimately mean nothing if the tested does not display a trait that runs singularly common among all the knights enshrined here.'

Lanival says 'Temperament, comrades.'

Crelius nods, his robed form impenetrably black as his raven gauntlets grip the tome he carries in craven malignance. 

Lanival says 'The proper temperament is what separates the good soldiers from the great knights.'

Lanival says 'That ability to find the Sanctum within one's being, so to speak.'

Lanival looks at Jazaren.

Lanival says 'I had my doubts in this instance.'

Lanival says 'I once viewed a man before you as little more than a common brigand.  Effective at murdering, to be sure, but to what end?'

Lanival says 'And, perhaps worse, a hot-headed brigand.'

Jazaren grins darkly for a moment.

Lanival says 'I will not hide my surprise that we are here with himtoday.'

Crelius says 'One cannot deny the destinies that our Master some times provide, however improbable their hosts may seem in the beginning. '

Lanival nods at Crelius sagely.

Lanival says 'And I have witnessed a genuine sea change in this man.'

Crelius says 'Maltese was one of marked bloodlust... chaos. '

Crelius says 'And it was the focus of his trials to master such things, and attain a higher purpose and theology. '

Lanival extends a platemailed arm towards Crelius in deference.

Crelius says 'For Maltese was not the first knight of the Sanctum to have experienced such a time of malice. '

Lanival gives one knowing nod.

Crelius says 'And to have come here in full commitment, and to master himself and his humanity through complete faith and submittance is a testament to the very strength of man and power of our lord. '

Crelius says 'To relinquish ones old ways, especially those that were of some prestige and power..... to completely bury the easy path and take upon ones self fully to the discipline of the ashen knight is a test few will ever attest to completion. '

Crelius says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'You are a rare knight and will be an even rarer shadow knight. None besides myself.... and perhaps Ishamael have came to this place as you do. '

Crelius says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'And with this step truly will you be reborn. '

Jazaren bows his head in honor.

Crelius says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'You have earned my blessing, and more importantly the blessing of lord Necrucifer.'

Crelius says (to Lanival Illithi) 'Finish this.'

Crelius nods at Lanival.

Lanival nods.

Crelius takes a step back once again, returning to his position within the archway.

Lanival says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'Do kneel.'

Jazaren kneels slowly, his head bowed.

Lanival says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'Jazaren Maltese, your life is already pledged to Necrucifer and His Order.  Upon rising, you will be made a Shadow Knight of the Sanctum, an eternal commitment of the soul that supersedes all else.'

Lanival says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'With the approval of Lord Crelius Atennim, we hereby grant you entrance to the Sanctum of the Shadowknights.'

Lanival says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'Now speak once more your fealty to Necrucifer and arise.'

Jazaren inhales deeply, his gaze remaining at the floor.

Jazaren says 'It is with great respect that I accept this honor.'

Jazaren says 'I want to thank firstly, our Lord- Necrucifer. Our Master gave me the opportunity to grow and accepted me into his army.'

Jazaren says 'But I also wish to thank Dark Lord Atennim and Chancellor Illithi, for giving me an opportunity to prove myself within these walls.'

Jazaren says 'It has not been an easy task- but I have not regretted a single moment. I felt I owed it not just to the Lord, but to our fine leaders, for giving me- for giving all of us this opportunity to serve our Lord and this Order.'

Jazaren says 'So thank you Lord, and thank you both. Thank you to all who have given me your trust and support. I will not let our Order down- I will not let our Lord down.'

Jazaren raises his head and gazes upon Lanival and Crelius, a hint of pride lingers in his eyes for just a moment.

Lanival says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'Arise, drop your moneys, and stand before Lord Atennim for the final blessing.'

Jazaren drops some coins.

Crelius meets Jazaren's gaze through his hood with absolution, moving from the archway towards Jazaren. 

Jazaren rises and stands in front of Crelius.

Crelius looks at Jazaren.

Crelius says (to Jazaren Maltese) 'You've proven yourself, and proven yourself equal to all those immortalized within this chamber. Enter then, and become a very hand of our great master. '

Crelius steps to the side in respect, nodding to Jazaren. 

Crelius nods as Jazaren steps through the arch.