Zorreau de la Vega Enters The Sanctum

The Hall of Statuary

  A few scars still show of the rigorous combat that used to fill this

room.  The floor is polished and smooth, free of prior scuffs, and while

here and there a gouge in the wall was too deep to be removed, such marks

are uncommon.  The walls and floor are the same stark, smooth black marble

as the rest of the Keep.  However, this room is more well-lit than most - a

huge crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and a number of candelabras

are spread throughout.  The focus of this room, of course, is the number of

memorials that fill it, from the statues lining the walls to a pair of

paintings, as well as an enormous cenotaph at the center of the room. 

 [Exits: north south  ]

     Various memorials fill this room, a large cenotaph in the center.

Beydalar Yildiz, the Death of Doubt (Warder) is here.

Xuerin K'ycer, Lord Templar of Storm Keep is here.

(White Aura) Marcaus Madaur is here.

Abram MacNeil | Exultance in Strife | is here.

Zorreau is here.

Lanival lightly taps his own statue before facing the soldiers.

You say 'There is no higher honor in the world than what we shall witness today.'

You say 'It is worthy enough for an honest man or woman to petition our order.'

You say 'It is yet more impressive when they are knighted.'

You say 'But only those truly blessed with the grace of our Lord, only the absolutely best our order can muster, are granted entrance into our Sanctum.'

You say 'The list of Shadowknights from history is astounding.'

You say 'Those marbled here for all times are just a taste of the grandness of the Sanctum's roster.'

Zorreau remains standing at ease, hands crossed behind his back as he listens.

You say 'In my quietest moments of self-reflection, I can hardly believe that I am among them.'

You say 'And nothing in this life, comrades, gives me more pride than bringing another into our sacred chamber.'

Xuerin stands with poise and confidence amidst the gathered crowd, listening to the Dark Lord.

You say (to Zorreau) 'Come, stand before me.'

Zorreau drops his arms to his side and takes a couple of steps to stand before you.

You say (to Zorreau) 'Chancellor Zorreau de la Vega, you have been adjudged worthy joining the holy Sanctum of the Shadowknights, the domain of Necrucifer's truest champions.'

You say (to Zorreau) 'Do you pledge and vow to abide by the Sanctum's collective will for all time, until your soul departs this world?'

Zorreau says (to You) 'I do. It is my life. I will not fail.'

Lanival drops his hands to his sides.  'In that case...'

Lanival slowly lifts his arms upward from his sides, palms facing skyward.  As he does so, a black mist slowly appears from the floor around the Dark Lord and Chancellor.

Marcaus lowers his head.

Lanival continues to raise his arms and the mist follows suit, eventually engulfing the two men.

Zorreau remains still, letting the mist surround his body.

Re-Classing Zorreau to shadowknight.

Lanival fully extends his arms skyward.  He then suddenly brings them down to his sides once more.  The mist vanishes, and with it so does Zorreau.

You clan gossip 'The very earth itself shall tremble.'