The Book of Shadows


Ibiza: The Book of Shadows and the Umbra

To: Shadow


Dark Knights of Necrucifer,

Rejoice, for Rochford the Black walks in the halls of Storm Keep once more.

This venerable Gray Robe has long been a mainstay of Storm Keep and is

instrumental to the work known at the 'Book of Shadows'. 

For those not aware of the history of this epic Tome, Master Black will

brief you on how it came to existence.  He along with others wrote the

theory in the Book of Shadows in which subsequent experiments with the Umbra

have revealed. 

Thus I was presented with Rochford's tome from the Dark Lord who crafted it

from the drafts, but how to unlock it? 

Some of you have read my dissertations on Necrucifer and religion from my

time in the Templar, and I looked back to the earliest of the events of

Necrucifer - when he first fought with Austinian over Algoron. 

A life time spent as a warlock - master of wild magic.  Necrucifer's essence

permeated everywhere on Algoron.  Necrucifer's power, here where we reside.

Could wild magic awaken the divine presence of Necrucifer on Algoron? 

Many fruitless months were spent over the cauldron brewing.  All fruitless -

until one night.  A breeze entered the Chamber of Mysticism, extinguishing

all light.  It lifted me up and left me hanging mid air.  I could not see

but felt no danger. 

The many reagents a warlock keeps near a cauldron levitated in this cloud of

darkness.  And then ...  An epiphany.  The darkness became clear and I could

see through it.  Better than normal vision.  Then thus did all become clear.

Reagents passed by my eyes and toppled into the cauldron a complex recipe

that would have taken years of research to perfect. 

The breeze of darkness set me down and I brewed with trepidation.  The

comforting darkness drained away from the room, and into the cauldron

filling it with a shadowy liquid before being drawn into a gourd.  The

liquid was not of this world. 

Unsure what to do, I applied the shadowy liquid to several objects in the

room, causing them to emit a dark glow.  The essence of Necrucifer.  It had

been isolated, but I could not draw on it.  Again, I was at a loss.  Again,

many months of experiments till a second welcome visitation. 

The dark breeze entered the Chamber of Mysticism under the full Black Moon,

and showed how to utilize wild magic to add to the Black Moon of Drakkara

from which all Gray Robes draw their power.  But through the theft of magics

my dark and ethereal companion had found a way to use the essence of

Necrucifer to enhance the power of the Black Moon. 

What the research has thus far unlocked.  A mix of wild magic and brewing,

mixed with a greater magic drawn from the essence of Necrucifer and finally

unlocking a world of ethereal shadows where those of our singular intent

will find clarity. 

This is what has been reported to the Dark Lord.  I do not know what this

dark ethereal presence is which has shown us the way - but I have my

suspicions.  It has shown the Shadowknights of Necrucifer the way. 

Algoron has been tainted by the blood of our Lord.  By the time we are done,

it will be at our feet to render to Him upon His coming. 

Ibiza le Toad, Umbrian Mystic


[ 84] Rochford: Origin of the Book of Shadows: The Introduction

Mon Dec  5 00:13:24 2011

To: Ibiza Reklah


The following is a brief compilation of accounts that explain the

artifact known to us as the Book of Shadows.  These accounts are but pieces

of a greater puzzle, and by sharing this with you, it is hoped that it will

better enable us to successfully unlock the cryptic secrets that lay dormant

within its pages.  

Rochford the Black 


[ 85] Rochford: Origin of the Book of Shadows

Mon Dec  5 00:19:59 2011

To: Ibiza Reklah


Origin of the Book of Shadows

In order to understand the origin of the Book of Shadows, one must

understand the architect behind it.  At a time dating back to the earliest

days of the Conclave, there were a handful of magi that sought a power so

great, that it was said to be strong enough to rival even a god.  

This research was eventually banned by the Conclave due to its blasphemous

nature and strong ties with forbidden wilder magic.  Despite this however,

there were those that refused to abandon their research and resigned to

continue in secret.  These individuals were named Alrekr, Raelanthyr, and


After many years, these three were successful at manifesting a tome of a

culmination of their greatest powers and magic.  The bearer of the tome

would possess powers far beyond that of any other normal being.  The bearer

would be immortal, indestructible and heralded god-like potential.  

Ultimately however, this power became too much to share, and even though

they constructed it jointly, they began to fight over it.  One wanting to be

greater than all others, wanting the power for themselves.  Reigalus however

saw the danger in such and set about entrapping the other two.  He succeeded

in entrapping Raelanthyr, but Alrekr fled himself away.  Unfortunately when

Reigalus imprisoned Raelanthyr, he himself wound up succumbing to his own

death, but not before first hiding the tome.  

Centuries passed as Reigalus toiled within the dark, cold depths of the

abyss and it was there that he had written the powerful text: The Book of

Shadows.  It is a compilation of dark arts mixed with the undeniable

influences of wilder magic.  It details rituals and preparations of acts not

of this world, and perhaps not even possible in this world.  

Reigalus' spellbook remained with him in the lands of the dead for untold

years until finally being gifted to the Gray Robes after the return of

Alrekr and Raelanthyr.  Raelanthyr managed to free himself from his abyssal

prison and after taking command of the Conclave, he began his search for the

lost tome.  Upon hearing of Raelanthyr return, Alrekr emerged from

seclusion, unwilling to let the obsessed Raelanthyr find the tome before he


It was then that Reigalus reached out from the abyss to contact Storm Keep,

where he found myself, and gifted me a stone that could be used to locate a

Dark Knight, Reigalus' living brother.  The Dark Knight was found trapped

within the ageless void, imprisoned within the Old Gareth's Keep where he

had remained until Beydalar, Salainn, and myself had freed him from the

clutches of the Old Gareth's army.  

The Dark Knight revealed to us the story of the three wizards, the tome, and

the quest to seek out and destroy the tome before the other two wizards

could use it to challenge the dominion of our Lord God.  The final resting

place of the tome of power was later revealed to be within the depths of the

Underworld and it was there that the Knights of Necrucifer laid siege.  With

the combined efforts of the Dwarven Clans of Wargar, Alrekr and Raelanthyr

were defeated, and the tome of power destroyed, never to be used again.  

With his very last bit of energy, Reigalus reached out one last time from

the cold deep of the abyss to reward the Gray Robes with the Book of

Shadows, as thanks for destroying the tome, and freeing his brother from the

old armies of Gareth.  The spellbook remained within my possession for many

months after as I studied it before gifting it to the next High Mystic,

where I hope it will continue to pass on from High Mystic to High Mystic, so

that the memory of the wizard Reigalus may be remembered for his sacrifice

and relentless, undying service to our Lord God, Necrucifer.  

Rochford the Black 

Elder of the Gray Robes


[ 65] Rochford: The Chronicle of the Book of Shadows: VII - A New Era

Thu Jan 26 20:33:08 2012

To: All Shadow Gray_Robes Samcro Ibiza Derigimus Necrucifer Drakkara ( Scorn Quest RP Immortal )


The large cauldron bubbled softly as the pair of magi stood looming over


"Are you ready, my minion?  " asked Rochford.  

Samcro nodded with anticipation and replied, "Yes, Master Black.  Let us

begin.  "

Rochford reached into his robe and pulled out a peculiar stone unlike any

other on Algoron.  It's surface was unworldly, and as dark as the vacuuum of

space.  The moonstone possessed a force that appeared to absorb the very

light that surrounded it, and soon the light within the room began to dim,

as if yielding before the artifact of power.  

Samcro strained to take his eyes off of it, but finally looked up to meet

Rochford's wily-eyed stare.  It was clear that they were both thinking the

same tremendous power.  Samcro began to reach out as if compelled to touch

it but pulled back, knowing what happens when others attempt to touch the


Rochford glanced at the moonstone in his hands and then back up at Samcro. 

He knew that the younger mage wanted to touch it, just as he knew that all

magic-users would, how could they resist such a thing.  Finally he turned

back towards the cauldron and held the moonstone close to his torso.  

Rochford moved in closer, looking into the cauldron, and began to utter a

short phrase under his breath.  Samcro knew the spell that was being cast,

he had seen the older magus chant it several times before in their past

experiments It was a spell from the Book of Shadows, and allowed the chanter

to see the Black Winds.  This time however was different, because in the

presence of the moonstone, the spell appeared to intensify.  

Rochford's eyes grew wide as if flooded by a world beneath worlds, and

Samcro could only wonder what existed through and beyond such madness. 

Rochford remained fixed on the cauldron and gestured towards the black

liquids within it.  

"It was here the whole time, " said Rochford.  

Samcro came closer and stared at the contents for several moments before

finally shaking his head.  

"I see the same as we've always seen after the casting, I see nothing

different.  "

Rochford reached out suddenly with his hand and grabbed Samcro firmly by the

arm.  It all became clear as the sight passed through Rochford, and into

Samcro.  A world beneath worlds flooded now into him, and as Rochford let

go, the sight remained, and Samcro found he could even control it.  

A voice came to Samcro like an effortless breeze, one void of all warmth,

and void of all cold.  The breeze was a force, and it moved with purpose.  

"LOOK INTO THE CAULDRON, " the Voice said to Samcro.  

Samcro looked and now he saw what Rochford had seen.  Within the softly

bubbling liquid was a presence that moved wistfully, moving as it pleased,

where it pleased.  


GOD.  "

Rochford gestured for Samcro to hand him something, and Samcro knew exactly

what the elder magus was intending to do.  He handed Rochford an empty gourd

and with delicate care, Rochford dipped the gourd into the liquid, and

scooped up a portion of the Black Winds.  

While it was only a small sample, it soon grew to fill the gourd entirely,

expanding, and churning within the gourd like a slumbering ethereal

creature.  Rochford placed the moonstone back within his robe and the

lighting within the room returned to normal.  The pair of magi stared at

each other and then at the gourd.  

The sight of the umbra slowly started to fade as well, and once again, the

world as they knew it, was before them, and yet it wasn't.  The world was

different now.  Or perhaps it was they, who were different, having crossed a

threshold that could not be undone.  

They had both changed, and while Samcro was certain that Rochford was in

deeper than he, there was undeniably something different.  Neither magi

would ever look upon the world the same way again. 


[ 88] Salainn: The Black Winds

Tue Dec 13 14:08:01 2011

To: Reklah Ibiza



In my journey to follow up a lead, I have encountered the phenomenon you

have requested information on.  The Black Winds are an occurrence known to

appear before Shadowknights staunch in faith, murmured words uttered through

the grace of His power to guide us to events of note in the world.  They are

known to manifest as the voices of the fallen, comrades in arms who have

given their lives or otherwise succumbed to mortality.  The advice is

occasionally cryptic, sometimes frank, but always worthy of taking note of. 

They are a means through which He may guide our hands, a subtler method than

manifesting before a priest or the Knight him or herself.  

Additionally, in the course of discovering this, I have recovered the body

of my father, former Dark Lord Lanival Illithi.  Dark Lord, I request

permission for him to be interred within the Sanctum, as is fitting of a

knight of his standing.  He lived his life by the Code and served to his

dying breath.  

Additional details are available at your discretion, though I will prefer to

speak of the matter personally rather than by pen.  



Crimson Rose


[103] Ibiza: Rochford the Black and the Umbra

Fri Dec 16 04:05:41 2011

To: Shadow


I am pleased that Rochford the Black has chosen to step forward once

again in service as Warder of the Gray Robes.  

His next assignment is to follow up on the work by the Master of the Crimson

Rose upon the subject of the 'Black Winds'.  

All things in Necrucifer are fundamentally interconnected.  I theorize that

the essence of Necrucifer which fell during the First Battle with Austinian

and tainted Algoron is also the source of the divine conduit of the 'Black


This essence is present in all things upon Algoron, and through the use of

wild magic and brewing, we have isolated what remains of the essence of

Necrucifer's fallen blood to Algoron in the cauldron.  

It is this which enables us to channel the world of the Umbra.  The very

Black Winds which Necrucifer lifted Malcom with, and used him as a conduit

to spread His Prophecy we now have in liquid form in our cauldrons, and the

knowledge of the wild magic needed to utilize it.  

Those fortunate enough to be chosen, Necrucifer brings His most profound

messages to His favored through the Black Winds.  With the discovery of this

shadow world, the Umbra shall we use His power to send all running before


Warder Black, seek to prove this relationship between the 'Black Winds' and

the 'Umbra' in your research.  By the power of Necrucifer shall the secrets

of the 'Book of Shadows' be unlocked, the very power which first brought us

our singular purpose of returning Necrucifer to Algoron.  

Ibiza le Toad, Umbrian Mystic


Ibiza: The Umbra and the Book of Shadows

To: Shadow imm Necrucifer


The Book of Shadows opens a new chapter tonight, as Warder Black seeks to

prove that the wild magical research we have done is the physical

manifestation of the Black Winds.  Esquire Samcro Redwood is assisting him

with this task.  

As the Book of Shadows renders to us more of her secrets, we take them forth

in the knowledge that they will directly serve Necrucifer's return to

Algoron, and bring the Prophecy to fruition.  

A whole mirrored world awaits us in the Umbra, where the research of wild

magic has taken us, and perhaps it will be by this route, through the

Shadoworld that we shall herald His coming as was prophesized so long ago by

the seer Malcom drak'Martys.  

As we learn more of the Umbra, and Shadowmagic, the Gray Robes will become

natural enemies of the Conclave.  They will rave and rant about how they are

the most powerful force for magic, but once the Book of Shadows research is

complete, their claim on this will be no more.  

At the dawn of time, the blood of Necrucifer fell to Algoron, and infested

all things.  It is through His blood that we will conquer the Umbra, and

return Storm Keep to prosperity, law and bend Algoron to God's will.  

Ibiza le Toad, Umbrian Mystic