The Founding of Storm Keep

Generations ago, before the Godswar ravaged Algoron, the Knights of Eclipse served as Vermiansia's protectors and allies.  Having been founded by San Gohdam and brought to true power by Targetter, they served as Evil's beacon, though rarely were capable of matching their originators, the Knights of Gareth.

A young man was born to a Verminasian merchant family.  His parents were of no great piety to any, yet felt he was suited for prestige and ability as a warrior.  They enlisted him as a Page of Gareth Keep, and there he learned much.  His name was Shay Kayen, and while he found the morals of Gareth to be at odds with his own, his firsthand experience with their purity of purpose, discipline and honor was to markedly change his perspective.

Seeking a method of life which would accord his love of discipline and his allegiences, he sought the Knights of Eclipse in Necrucifer's name.  He was, however, disappointed in what he found.  Divided among many gods, and permitting even balance-keepers to walk with them, and of such diverse race as to resemble a zoo or circus, their discipline was a faint shadow of their rivals.  With others of like mind, he sought to find ways to remedy this.

Two of those who gained his confidence were Ishamael Rinji and Malcom drak'Martys. 

The three perused Eclipse's library for days, seeking records of the old times to determine when Eclipse had ventured from true discipline.  And in their research, they learned much.  They learned that Gohdam had founded Eclipse as Necrucifer's own, and with only his own human brethren, but Targetter in his power-struggle had changed it all.  They came to believe that Targetter's changes were err, and sought to rectify them.  With their human brethren, they planned a revolution.

The first blow of that revolution was struck by Ishamael Rinji, and it was a dagger strike to the heart of Eclipse's Highlord - Vokkyn dra'Har.  Standing over the Highlord's corpse, they captured the Keeper, Martyr Drashe, and exchanged his life for Eclipse's Keep.  They had won themselves a Keep for the first time, yet it was not to be the only.  Even as Ishamael's dagger struck, Malcom was overcome with an ecstasy, and he began to prophesize.

Malcom foretold that they would secure the Eclipse, and then lose it to those they evicted.  Not a few days following, a motley army besieged them and drove them out.  He foretold they would wander lost, and many lose their faith, and so they did, for nearly a decade in the wilderness, hunted by all.  Yet his words would not end there - Malcom told of a Keep of black marble, raised in the most forbidding desert, and so did Shay Kayen lead his men in construction.  Storm Keep was erected despite the backbreaking toil and heat, and His Knights - now the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer - made it their abode.

Malcom foretold of the coming of Necrucifer's child - and Malachive did indeed walk the earth, destroying the Eclipse during the Godswar and bringing the penultimate prediction of the Prophecy to pass.  The Knights of Eclipse became a memory.

In their Keep of marble, the Shadow Knights still wait - for Malcom's final prophecy echoed many which had come before.  It proclaimed Necrucifer's coming upon the realm, and the ultimate triumph of his armies, with the Knights of Purity at its head.

With Shay Kayen and his wife, Sorcia, as their guides, the Shadow Knights established their traditions and discipline, and began the task of preparing.

Thus was Storm Keep founded, by the strength of four great ones and the indomitable blessing of God.