The Cauldron Compendium

Below are the sixteen secrets to the Art of Brewing. This information is one of my final legacies to the Gray Robes of Storm Keep. May you use it to help achieve what the Prophecy foretold.

There are two versions of the Cauldron Compendium. They are the sixteen secrets of "Law of the Cauldron" - the full knowledge of brewing for those who have made a positive contribution to wild magic in Storm Keep. For lesser acolytes, there is the "Brewer's Bible" for the basic knowledge any initiate might need.

Other helpful information sources are the Reagents and Recipes and Germane Gourds.

If you believe you are worthy, seek out the leadership for these secrets.

Law of the Cauldron
Brewers Bible

Do not waste this gift which has been given to you. With great power comes great responsibility. History has shown that abuse of such powers has resulted in them being lost – and if lost, will reduce our capability to see the return of Necrucifer.


Ibiza le Toad, Master Brewer Shadowmage and Warlock.