Why We Fight


[151] Lanival: Why We Fight.

Mon Dec 15 01:56:29 2008

To: all Shadow Verminasia Necrucifer Religion RP Imm


World at large,

There has been some question of late from outsiders regarding the nature of my order.  Normally, I would dismiss such curiosity as little more than an annoyance.  However, given the recent spread of some decidedly white propaganda, I have been roused to pen this letter.  Consider yourselves fortunate. 

Some presume that the Shadow Knight seeks death and destruction for their own sake.  This is false.  Some presume that the Shadow Knight loves war, and would relish a world rife with endless battle.  This is false.  Some presume that the Shadow Knight will lie or cheat to gain an individual advantage.  This is false. 

The Blessed Order of the Shadow Knights of Necrucifer seeks an end to chaos and strife.  Our ultimate desire is Order; our fighting days will be over when a new world system is in place to ensure that every responsible subject is fed, every last shilling is accounted for, and every last outlaw is put down.  Our faith dictates how this will be accomplished: we are certain that only one deity has the strength of will to impose this system upon the world. 

Only through the power of Necrucifer can this dream be made reality. 

We know that we, mere mortals, lack the fortitude to maintain such a system even if we are successful in implementing it ourselves.  Thus, we work to unite the world under His dark banner, whether through negotiation or conquest.  Success in this venture is of supreme importance to our goal, for only once that work is complete can His Coming happen; we must give unto Necrucifer a world ready to extinguish chaos.

And that, citizens, is why we fight.  Some may respond to this letter with boastful taunts and pious guarantees of our failure, but we will care not.  Ours is a higher purpose--nay, the highest purpose.  Nothing will distract us from the task at hand, and we will sacrifice our very souls to succeed.

Power to Necrucifer. 


Lanival Illithi

Chancellor of the Shadow Knights

Guardian of the Abyss