Heroes of the Keep

By Reklah Kayen

Isadore Schwartz was the greatest of Necrucifer's clergy and renowned as the

most powerful leader of Necruciferan faith. 

The Kingpriest was granted Deacon in the name of the Lord for his assiduous

efforts in penning the Book of the Word, a document which pertained to

Necruciferan faith.  He served Verminasia in his tenure as clergy and

associated with Storm Keep as friend and ally.  His efforts were

consistently superior to his peers and he rose with celerity in the lot of

God's disciples. 

Isadore came up in an incendiary and distinguished fervor of faith and

political power, not only in the Church but as advisor to King Andelas and

Queen Azhiraz.  Both were assassinated and it was then that the Monsignor

took the throne and Verminasia was born a Theocracy. 

Schwartz's influence became omniscient.  The Kingpriest's word was

universally recognized as the Voice, and he acted as the conduit to

Necrucifer's Will.  Alongside the Cardinal Seethe, he wrote another book

entitled "His Will and His Way", which acted as cataclysm for Storm Keep.

His death is clouded in mystery and yet his influence expands beyond his

mortal life into eternity with every soldier who takes up the

spiritual arms of God's cause. 

Hsiu Wa served as Dark Lord during the Exile and as Field Marshall prior

to his tenure, near the Post-Purist Revolution. 

Hsiu hailed from tribal natives in Tropica with brother Verias Wa.  Both

went on to Storm Keep, and both served with a quiet temperament that was

rare among soldiers past and present.  Hsiu was given to quiet periods of


The Wa family has long been an enigma in Storm Keep.  These men have served

piously in Storm Keep and kept their own counsel, but their

loyalty to the Lord is unwavering.  It was Hsiu Wa who served as Dark Lord

during the Exile.  During his tenure, he was forced to judge one of the most

ambiguous trials in Shadow history.

Through the political machinations and what he viewed as the end of his era,

he retired from the office.  The decisions that bound his destiny to those

days were not far off their mark, and the Lord Wa must have been channeling

Malcom drak'Martys. 

There can be no question that we take from it is Finality.  That before the

Lord, all things must be subjugated.  That was our failure and what we have

endeavored to conquer.  Submit or die.   But, I wonder still today

what Malachive might have done with the items we gathered had Hsiu not

defied the Godson, who infamously became one of our Lord's foremost enemies.

With a history as rich in accomplishment and as dark, Crelius Atennim is a foremost

runner of the Prophecy.  He was one of the only living men in history to

have served in the legendary halls of Gohdam's Eclipse, Shay's Shadow, and

even Targetter's Gaar Volen, There are no words, but I will try. 

Crelius is a hero unlike the men I spoke to you prior.  Their deeds were

forged in the Godfire of the field, and while Crelius was known for his

prowess from the early days on, his immortal nature lay in the forging of

men.  He was magnanimous and his gift was to see the great in men.  He is

responsible in part for most of the finest men in Storm Keep's history. 

His successes were far more than his failures over his lifetime, and he

learned from failure.  He helped found the Storm.  He has a past as a master

vampire, the only one who walked Algoron at that time.  There is his

staking, and his resurrection from the Abyss.  All things that defined his


He is one of the men in my past who inspired me truly, and I know that it is

not only me that has felt affected by him.  You have only to look around

you, and you will see Crelius's face, reflected in every mind paved with

God's intention.

Kulinar Atennim served as Lord Templar, both prior to and after the

Post-Purist Revolution.  Atennim was known as a zealot among Storm Keep's

soldiers.  His personality traits were not popular among his fellow soldiers

in Storm Keep, but he was a fearless, tactical and harsh military leader. 

As Crelius Atennim's second-oldest son, he bore the plate of House Atennim

and fought in Storm Keep's honor during the war succeeding the Revolution,

and it was through his leadership that Storm garnered its many victories.

As one of the most successful Shadowknights, not only possessed of

brilliance in group military tactics, but also in single-handed combat,

Atennim's name was synonymous with excellency until he was slain in combat.

Courage, tenacity, and valor are words brought to mind when I think of

Khethus Mavelle, who served as Storm Keep's Chancellor after the Post-Purist

Revolution.  Khethus was a man without ties to Storm Keep.  He had no noble

surname as many of that generation did, and it was through sheer will of

character that he paved his name in Shadow's legend.  It is men like him who

make names, not inherit them. 

Like Atennim and Na'vor, Mavelle was known for his talent in the field and

contributed heavily to Storm Keep's military conquests.  We encourage Storm

Keep to participate in the games so that Algoron may witness God's strength,

which in turn leads to recruits, and this is what brought tragedy upon him.

He was murdered by Malhavoc, and this preceded war between Malhavoc and

Storm Keep until Malhavoc's resurrection.