
The Shadow Knights are divided into three primary sects and a sub-sect under the command of the Chancellor and Dark Lord.  Each sect within Storm Keep serves a separate and independent function, although the focus of each is ultimately the advancement of the Umbra and Drakkara's Will - to unify, unto the extinguishing of the Sun.

New soldiers enter the Keep as a Petitioner of Storm Keep and progress through their Keep training to Novice and Supplicant, at which time they choose one of three Sects - the Legion (martial focus), the Templar (religion focus), or the Gray Robes (umbra/dark magic focus).

The rank of Petitioner is an exploratory role, where one begins to learn of the inner workings of the organization they have joined. Novice is primarily a training role where understanding of Shadow's Sects and focuses are learned, while Supplicants seek to utilize the compilation of all they have learned while rendering greater service to Storm Keep. This will lead to the Supplicant proving themselves worthy of being Knighted and undergoing testing to this eventuality.

The Supplicant, upon attaining the rank, may choose of any of the three Sects to serve in and it is under this Sect that they will undergo final trials prescribed by the leadership of the Sect. Upon successful completion of their Test, the Supplicant will become a Dark Knight of Shadow in a final ceremony performed by the Dark Lord, overseen by the High Council, and the whole of the Keep.

Each Sect is governed separately by a Sect Leader and up to two Warders, as desired or needed, who serve as second-in-command. Retired Sect leadership will be granted a unique rank of service recognition if they step down appropriately, otherwise, they return to Dark Knight status. All Dark Knights of Storm, when called to service - no matter their rank - are so compelled until official retirement to a kingdom. 

The Sect leaders, the Council Elder who sits in an advisory capacity appointed by the Dark Lord, the Chancellor, and the Dark Lord comprise the High Council of Storm Keep. The Council serves as the Keep's administrative body, advising the Dark Lord on matters of policy and ensuring the Keep continues to advance the Will of Drakkara and the progress of Her Dark Tide. Warders may be allowed to stand-in for absent sect leadership during Council. All others must await invitation, both to sit in and to voice their opinions at Council meetings, and hold no official vote.

As Storm Keep is military in structure and in nature, soldiers are expected to bring their concerns to their immediate superiors first, though they are welcome to seek members of the High Council for guidance if necessary.

These passages were writ in the era of Necrucifer, who has Fallen, and do not carry the same bearance in the new Celestial Age of Drakkara, Queen of Darkness.

They will be relegated to the pages of history to make way for new definitions.


           "Remember your blood oath always.  Submit or die.  Your enemies
                  have chosen death; your body is the instrument through which
                                                                        God will pass judgment."

                                                   - Aeryc Maelwaedd, The Vessel of God

Only Finality will bring peace to the world, and until then, Storm Keep is
committed to war in the name of Necrucifer.  The Legion acts as the center
of the Keep's military might, the primary instrument for its martial

Led by the Field Marshal, soldiers who enter the Legion will train extensively
in the art of warfare and serve as the protectors of their comrades.  Those
who attain Knighthood within the Legion will only be the most capable of
soldiers and have demonstrated their ability to lead others into combat and
emerge victorious.  All who serve within the Legion should expect to focus
their career on organization, strategy, and warfare.  However, the soldier is
cautioned to keep the purpose for why he fights closely in mind, as Storm Keep
does not march into combat without reason or principle.  Conversion is preferred
to death.  Knights within the Legion hold themselves responsible for deciding if
salvation is attainable, yet ultimately those who stand in opposition to the
Dominion of God cannot be suffered.

The Legion hosts the majority of the soldiers who serve within Storm Keep.
Similarly, many of the most renowned of the Shadow Knights have hailed from
within the Legion, and the office of the Field Marshal commands great respect
from within the Keep.


                                                               "If God speaks, you must listen."

                                                              - Reklah Kayen, Three Principles

The Templar form the spiritual heart of Storm Keep.  Under the guidance of
the Lord Templar, the sect aims to instruct in theology and enforce obeisance
of religious and ethical mandates.  As the sect is founded purely in faith to
the Darkness, those who serve within the Templar will study extensively in
religion and proselytize those who have not yet found faith; combat and the
military enforcement of fidelity to God is not an expectation.  Through piety,
these Knights further the ultimate designs of Storm Keep, the preparation of
Algoron for Finality.

Throughout the history of Storm Keep, the Templar have been comprised of
priests, theologians, and zealous crusaders.  Often, the Templar take an
advisory role to their fellow Knights, as none are more learned in the Will
of God than those who serve Storm Keep in this capacity.  Although the spoken
word of Necrucifer is absolute, the Templar are encouraged to be free thinkers.
God has gifted those who serve Him with free will, and the theologian is tasked
with finding the best avenue for service.

Crimson Rose

                                                                        "Our ultimate desire is order."

                                                                       - Lanival Illithi, Why We Fight

Dark Knights of the Crimson Rose are made from the ranks of the Templar and
Legion, chosen for their wit and guile to learn the delicate arts of diplomacy
and intelligence. Collectively, these Dark Knights are a host of individuals,
with no guild or station best suited to the work, placed under the command of
the Master of the Rose. Once likened to the "eyes and ears" of Storm Keep,
those serving the Rose will observe and report, ensuring that the Dark Lord
and Council are aware of news before it's made. They are among the first
selected for covert operations where a well-place dagger and a well-placed
whisper are tools of equal worth. Guided by Necrucifer's Will, the Rose seeks
to bend the events of history toward Finality, ensuring outcomes that befit
Storm's Purpose.

The Crimson Rose is in charge of both external intelligence and internal

Gray Robes

                                     "The initial findings are of a detection of Necrucifer's
                                          unholy aura within all physical things on Algoron."

                                                                  - Ibiza le Toad, Initial Research

The Gray Robes were formed as a sect of wizards, serving as the arcanists of
Storm Keep to augment the function of the other sects through the use of their
arts. With the discovery of the Umbra and the advent of the Shadowmage, the
Gray Robes have focused their efforts on both the preservation and growth of
Storm's knowledge of the Umbra. They are charged with protecting those
artifacts encountered during the early days of discovery and researching them
further. Dark Knights of the Gray Robes will earn their early ranks within the
Templar or Legion, demonstrating their interest and abilities before being
selected to serve the sect.

The arcanists within the Robes do not hail Drakkara as their savior, and
indeed deny that she has any influence whatsoever over their abilities. With
practice and training, the Umbra acts as fuel and conduit, allowing the mage
to draw power from the blood of God Himself in spellcasting.

The Robes also serve as sages and keepers of such information that is not
related to intelligence, theology, or doctrine.