
            "Remember your blood oath always.  Submit or die.  Your enemies
                    have chosen death; your body is the instrument through which
                                                                        God will pass judgment."

                                                    - Aeryc Maelwaedd, The Vessel of God

The Legion acts as the center of the Keep's military might; the primary instrument for its martial operation unto which all its members are dedicated.

Led by the Field Marshal, all soldiers who attend Storm Keep will enter the Legion and train extensively in the art of warfare before choosing one of the specialized Sects: Gray Robes, Templar, or Crimson Rose. Unless they determine to remain within the Legion itself.

As the Legion is wholly dedicated to martial might on the field, those who make up its Dark Knighthood are expected to be its most capable soldiers - those who guide and teach others in the way of combat and hold the front. All who serve within the Legion should expect to focus their career on organization, strategy, and warfare.

A Supplicant of the Legion will be molded into a leader of his fellow
soldiers.  Only the most capable will be selected for Knighthood. Excellence
must be demonstrated to the leadership of the Shadow Knights. 

*All tasks are expected to be recorded within the personal libram acquired at Petitioner rank.

1.  Each Supplicant will request a combat mentor from the ranks of Shadow's Dark Knights if they don't already have one. They will hunt the field together with a focus upon tactics in group settings. The Supplicant of the Legion should demonstrate an understanding of the combat capabilities of Shadow's enemies. Adequacy to this end may be displayed either through verbal exam or in writing to their Mentor, the Field Marshal, and Council. 

2. When the Supplicant feels they are ready, they are to pair off against their combat mentor, and use all of the spells and abilities in their disposal. The results of the duel will be documented with an eye toward what improvements can be made. The duel will then be repeated at a future date to judge progress.

3.  The Supplicant will lead a squadron of men in battle upon the field and will chronicle the foray slaying five enemies of Shadow. The Supplicant will write a field report describing a field engagement in which they participated. Reference paid to the combatants, the successes and losses, and where improvements could be made.

4.  The Supplicant will lead and take three of the Keeps that exist (including those within the Underworld).

5.  A Supplicant shall choose three of the tasks of a meritorious nature and complete them.

6. The Supplicant will participate in two mentoring sessions with a Novice or Petitioner on matters of history, faith, or combat.

7. Participate in no less than three duels within Storm or its allies. Provide a written summary of each contest. Explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of each opponent as well as the Petitioner's advantages/disadvantages is required. Finally, detail what changes should be made if the duel were to be repeated, and what advice the Petitioner would offer to their dueling partner.

8. When all other tasks are complete the Sect and High Council will review the Supplicants journal and  judge their readiness. The Supplicant will undergo the Test of the High Council, a final trial of worthiness as a Dark Knight. Once it has been passed, they will kneel upon the pedestal and take up their place as a Dark Knight of the Legion.