Beydalar Yildiz Enters the Sanctum

Reklah clans 'All knights of Storm Keep report to the Hall of Statuary.'

The Hall of Statuary

  A few scars still show of the rigorous combat that used to fill this

room.  The floor is polished and smooth, free of prior scuffs, and while

here and there a gouge in the wall was too deep to be removed, such marks

are uncommon.  The walls and floor are the same stark, smooth black marble

as the rest of the Keep.  However, this room is more well-lit than most - a

huge crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and a number of candelabras

are spread throughout.  The focus of this room, of course, is the number of

memorials that fill it, from the statues lining the walls to a pair of

paintings, as well as an enormous cenotaph at the center of the room. 

 [Exits: north south  ]

     Various memorials fill this room, a large cenotaph in the center.

Ardias Kayen is here.

Ardias says softly (to You) 'Show time.'

Verenian MacNeil walks in.

Reklah Kayen walks in.

Stefani walks in.

Stefani salutes Reklah.

Verenian bows to Reklah.

Ardias stands off to the side smiling at you.

Reklah snaps his hand up to salute the knights gathered, his face ashen and serious.

You salute.

Ardias salutes.

Verenian falls back in to the near back, in his standard at ease position.

Stefani folds her hands behind her back, standing in attention.

Reklah says 'I will make this short, because there comes a time when words ..just will not do.'

Ardias clans 'Takaya, Cecille, attend'

Cecille runs in.

Cecille salutes.

Takaya clans 'Coming'

Reklah looks at you.

Cecille glances at Ardias.

Reklah clans 'Come, let us you know if you need help getting here.'

Verenian keeps his eyes straight forward in a military fashion.

Reklah clans 'From your rest, come one pace southward, and three paces northward.'

Reklah Kayen walks south.

Reklah Kayen walks in.

Takaya walks in.

Takaya salutes Reklah.

Cecille clasps her hands behind her back as her eyes settle on Reklah.

Reklah says 'Tonight, we gather to honor a knight who is relatively young and yet rich in accomplishment.'

Reklah motions to you with a gauntleted hand, stepping before him.

Reklah says 'The Chancellor has served Storm Keep with great distinction. Since my return to Storm Keep, I found he possesses a rare quality rarely found in leaders of his caliber.'

Reklah says 'And to be honest, I am fond of him because he reminds me of my youth.'

Reklah says 'I had an old friend named Arinas, who went to become the steward of Necrucifer's kingdom. He came up much the same way that Beydalar did.'

Verenian shows no emotion at all, keeping himself school and posture in an at ease position.

Reklah says (to You) 'His statue is not here, perhaps are yours will be one day, because he did not become Dark Lord of Storm Keep. I did in his stead.'

Stefani shifts her weight from foot to foot, her eyes set on Reklah.

Reklah says (to You) 'But you both rose to the Chancellorship of the Shadow Knights from a Warder position through your own merits. It may have even been the Templar you shared.'

Reklah turns to face the assembly, his eyes watching Takaya and Cecille.

Takaya looks at Reklah.

Reklah says 'Both men were zealots, but they understood Storm Keep. They understood the grain of its sand, and the blood of the Purists who endeavored to make it. We stand here because these memorials are what's left of the men who understood.'

Reklah says 'I'll dispense with no more history. You will have plenty of it in my reign, as long as I am here. I will see to it that every single one of you know your fathers. If you do not, then you too closely resemble Gaar Volen and its fallacies.'

Reklah says 'Heroes are what we need now.'

Reklah turns again to look at you, motioning him forward to him.

Reklah says (to You) 'Step before me.'

Cecille tilts her head slightly, looking back and forth from Reklah to you and back.

Beydalar takes a deep breath and walks steadily to stand before Reklah

Reklah gives you an ornate ebony drinking horn.

Reklah says (to You) 'Drink from Crelius Atennim's goblet.'

Reklah says (to You) 'It was his gift to me, and mine to you. '

Verenian keeps his eyes straight forward, making certain his posture is proper.

Beydalar slowly lifts the horn to his lips

You drink milk from an ornate ebony drinking horn.

You give an ornate ebony drinking horn to Reklah.

Reklah nods, pausing to observe you, and then his face shows approval.

Ardias tightens his lips and glances at the statue of Crelius with sad eyes.

Reklah says (to You) 'Arinas was a great leader, and as will you be. It is only right that you take your turn now into the Sanctum beside men like Crelius Atennim, who fought for near-centuries to see it through, beside men like Shay Kayen.'

Reklah says (to You) 'Are you ready?'

You say (to Reklah) 'I am.'

Reklah says (to You) 'Then I pronounce you a knight of the Sanctum.'

You say 'Power to Necrucifer.'

Takaya smiles.

Stefani snaps to attention and gives you a crisp salute.

Takaya snaps himself to attention.

Ardias places his hand over his heart and bows his head, muttering a quiet prayer for you.

Reklah snaps his hand up to you in salute.

Takaya salutes you.

Cecille salutes you.

Verenian bows towards you, his eyes displaying no emotion, nor does he smile, he simply bows.

Reklah says 'The rest of you are free to go when you please.'

Cecille says (to You) 'Congratulations, Chancellor.'

Cecille tips her head forward slightly in respect to you.

Cecille walks south.

Takaya says (to You) 'Congratulations, Sir.'

Takaya walks south.

Ardias seats himself beneath the statue of Shay, smiling at you.

Reklah says (to You) 'Remove all your worldly possessions.'

Reklah says (to You) 'You may keep them here until you return.'

Verenian says (to You) 'For Darkness you are blessed, Chancellor. Continue to serve well and inspire others with it as you have so far.'

Reklah says (to You) 'Money as well.'

You nod.

You are being Re-Classed to shadowknight.


You nod.

Reklah says (to You) 'Welcome.'

Verenian says (to Reklah Kayen) 'When you have some time, Dark Lord. I just wished you to know I wish audiance, sir.'

Ardias stands up.

Beydalar takes a deep breath...

Reklah nods at Verenian.

The shadows to the north envlope you in a cool darkness.